#601 2008-01-18 01:03:57
New Banner Added:
Edit: fnord beat me to it, but I think I still like toe's caption better...
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Last edited by square (2008-01-18 01:06:36)
#602 2008-01-18 01:28:14
New Banner Added:
Sorry about the duplicate; cleaned up some of the rough edges I didn't notice before.
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Last edited by square (2008-01-18 01:30:26)
#603 2008-01-18 13:52:13
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#604 2008-01-19 00:28:28
Is there one with Boss Tweed? Nast's Boss Tweed is the finest expression of the fat asshole* as the avatar of political corruption.
*Dick Cheney
#605 2008-01-19 01:08:17
sigmoid freud wrote:
Is there one with Boss Tweed? Nast's Boss Tweed is the finest expression of the fat asshole* as the avatar of political corruption.
http://nhs.needham.k12.ma.us/cur/Sintro … _Tweed.JPG
*Dick Cheney
Holy crap, are you in luck.... or great minds think alike. Improbable as it might seem, here's a site I created for an aggrieved friend less than a year ago. The sharp eyed observer may note other similarities.
Hang on and I'll dig out that graphic.
#606 2008-01-19 01:17:05
How many of the same thing do you want to display?
#607 2008-01-19 02:57:08
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Last edited by choad (2008-01-19 08:57:58)
#608 2008-01-19 06:47:18
Current odds of any new person seeing a particular banner: One in a hundred.
#609 2008-01-19 07:34:20
New Banner Added:
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#610 2008-01-19 07:34:49
New Banner Added:
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#611 2008-01-19 07:34:58
New Banner Added:
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#612 2008-01-19 07:35:05
New Banner Added:
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#613 2008-01-19 07:38:15
Pity, I couldn't find a way to use this:
#614 2008-01-19 08:33:00
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#615 2008-01-19 09:18:37
pALEPHx wrote:
How many of the same thing do you want to display?
Hell, I can't decide. They all have their points. Want to have a poll of sorts? Maybe your top five favorites or some such?
#616 2008-01-19 18:21:06
New Banner Added:
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#617 2008-01-20 04:46:10
New Banner Added:
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#618 2008-01-21 21:14:09
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#619 2008-01-21 22:40:56
New Banner Added:
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#620 2008-01-21 23:53:28
choad wrote:
They all have their points. Want to have a poll of sorts? Maybe your top five favorites or some such?
Egads, no more polls. The last time we tried to "pick" anything, you ended up listing nearly all of them. Plus, I'd have to stipulate to a bias or just recuse myself. I'm not saying I even like all of my own, but I wouldn't want to nix any just to have crap put in their place.
#621 2008-01-22 07:46:05
pALEPHx wrote:
The last time we tried to "pick" anything, you ended up listing nearly all of them.
True enuff. Then how about a member profile page of random or rotating banner selections, let everyone add or subtract as they see fit?
That way, no one has to play banner nazi deciding which are 'appropriate'.
And once a week, say, we scan those lists to determine which are most popular?
#622 2008-01-22 08:23:34
choad wrote:
And once a week, say, we scan those lists to determine which are most popular?
Sounds complicated, unless you already have the code set to go. In which case, I say it seems like a splendid idea. It's also something of a fait accompli, but at least it should give everyone what they want (and if they don't have what they want, then they can basically blame themselves, no?).
#623 2008-01-22 15:29:31
I fucking love these. i spend my days thinking of useless high street captions, muttering to myself, giggling..
#624 2008-01-22 15:30:45
For the shark, how about,
"It's always that time of the month...on High street"..
#625 2008-01-22 16:30:52
New Banner Added:
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#626 2008-01-22 21:15:34
New Banner Added:
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#627 2008-01-23 01:21:12
New Banner Added:
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#628 2008-01-23 01:23:20
^ Credit to Zombie Elvis for the find...if not for immediately performing the obvious blasphemy upon it.
#629 2008-01-23 13:00:37
Okay, forgive me (and fuck off) if you don't like these-
how about "double your fun, with high street.org" and this picture
#630 2008-01-23 13:02:02
Massaging Your Eyestalks with High Street.org
#631 2008-01-23 13:03:14
And is there some way to erase the text below and write a High street caption underneath, something like, "heads up it's high street.org"
#632 2008-01-23 13:04:14
thanks for indulging me. It's over now.
#633 2008-01-23 13:51:13
New Banner Added:
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#634 2008-01-23 15:16:22
I so heart you, choad.
#635 2008-01-23 19:16:42
New Banner Added:
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#636 2008-01-23 20:44:46
New Banner Added:
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#637 2008-01-23 21:36:38
Ooh, red!
#638 2008-01-24 06:42:59
My most recent banner submission is apparently too gross to display.
#639 2008-01-24 07:27:14
fnord wrote:
My most recent banner submission is apparently too gross to display.
Maybe my turd world standards are too high but I pass. Any of half a dozen others can approve it.
#640 2008-01-24 14:30:57
New Banner Added:
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#641 2008-01-24 14:31:06
New Banner Added:
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#642 2008-01-24 18:23:21
New Banner Added:
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#643 2008-01-24 20:47:44
New Banner Added:
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#644 2008-01-24 20:48:05
New Banner Added:
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#645 2008-01-24 20:48:12
New Banner Added:
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#646 2008-01-24 20:56:16
Wow,with the writers strike on this is as much recognition as I'm going to get. I'm thrilled!
#647 2008-01-24 22:39:17
Anyone see Stewart in recent days? Someone mentioned he displayed this next banner on the occasion of Thompson's premature ejaculation...
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#648 2008-01-25 05:28:51
choad wrote:
Someone mentioned he displayed this next banner on the occasion of Thompson's premature ejaculation.
Well, that's nice. Where is it? What is it like? Can you show us an example?
#649 2008-01-25 07:52:31
Some time back (before the writers went on strike, so it was quite a while) I vaguely recall Jon Stewart doing a joke where Fred Thompson was Frankenberry and I think John McCain was BooBerry.
I'm sure it was coincidental. I mean, the resemblances are right there for anyone to see.
#650 2008-01-25 15:40:57
New Banner Added:
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