#1 2008-01-30 22:11:24


Spanish porno Gargamel is much cooler than real Gargamel.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2008-01-30 22:12:11)



#2 2008-01-31 00:38:03

Old, old, old.



#3 2008-01-31 02:42:17

jesusluvspegging wrote:


Spanish porno Gargamel is much cooler than real Gargamel.

It's in Spanish, therefore it's ... Pitufo Porn!



#4 2008-01-31 02:42:38

Is it me or is it getting harder and harder to find new perverse material on the internets. Finally after a decade of cruel surfing have we become so jaded? Is the dream over?



#5 2008-01-31 03:16:53

A certain amount of jadedness has set in.  Sometime in the late 90s, I posted a site that showed a once pretty girl who had been burned and scarred when her car was hit by a drunk driver.  I included the words “contains disturbing images” in my description.  I was roundly blasted for posting a site which contained horrible images of the damage done to this girl.  Today, that site would be considered a yawn by most of the regulars.



#6 2008-01-31 09:58:48

Well, I hadn't seen it.



#7 2008-01-31 12:34:55

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Well, I hadn't seen it.

And that's why we - cough, cough - love you.



#8 2008-01-31 12:45:00

Taint wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Well, I hadn't seen it.

And that's why we - cough, cough - love you.

Yeah, I still haven't been "kicked in" here, and as a longtime anonymous lurker of Cruel I was kinda expecting it.

Now, I just figure you're all waiting for me to feel at ease and forget it's coming.



#9 2008-01-31 12:59:55

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Taint wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Well, I hadn't seen it.

And that's why we - cough, cough - love you.

Yeah, I still haven't been "kicked in" here, and as a longtime anonymous lurker of Cruel I was kinda expecting it.

Now, I just figure you're all waiting for me to feel at ease and forget it's coming.

Oh, god. Oh, my god. You're right. Please forgive us; I can't believe we've been so rude.

Now, fuck off and die.



#10 2008-01-31 13:11:41

Taint wrote:

Oh, god. Oh, my god. You're right. Please forgive us; I can't believe we've been so rude.
Now, fuck off and die.

More vitriol, dammit, I'm only half-hard here.



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