#1 2008-01-31 14:16:35

Hullo, Hello...

Some one alert Smitty!



#2 2008-01-31 14:43:05

heh.  Is that really you, P-tah?



#3 2008-01-31 19:42:51

I'm guessing that's an im-poster, not our poopcorn Ptah. But what I really wonder is how long it'll take anyone to insist I remove that revolting sidebar banner.

edit: Ok, it's gone.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs

Last edited by choad (2008-01-31 19:52:25)



#4 2008-01-31 19:51:38

choad wrote:

I'm guessing that's an im-poster, not our poopcorn Ptah. But what I really wonder is how long it'll take anyone to insist I remove that revolting sidebar banner.

I kinda like the sidebar. S'funny.

High, Ptah!



#5 2008-01-31 21:26:45

Why would anyone want a revolting sidebar banner removed?  Remember where and who we are.



#6 2008-01-31 22:09:51

I like it as well.

I did point Ptah to here awhile back, and he has had a bit of issues with his back post-accident, so he said he doesn't spend as much time online due to the uncomfortable-ness of it.

So it may not be him.  In fact, I would figure he would have emailed me to tell me he was dropping by, but I could be wrong.

I hope it is him though, as there is nothing like a bit of poopcorn in the toilet!



#7 2008-01-31 22:24:35

That sidebar reminds me of some trouble sheep ranchers were having around Mendicino a while ago.  Seems the birds were pecking the eyes out of the lambs and eating them. Since the land is in a "protected" area, no-one could use firearms to shoot or scare the birds away. Not that I approve of lamb, too gamey...but it was sad that these poor little critters were being blinded and then dying from shock. It didn't stop the ranchers from selling the meat...if they got to it in time. I hate fucking birds anyway...

Last edited by Lurker (2008-01-31 22:26:22)



#8 2008-02-01 09:50:33




#9 2008-02-01 20:40:42

Ravens and other corvids are voracious predators. They are also smart problem solvers for birdbrains and have a broad and confounding system of communicating to each other. At the local heron/egret sanctuary the ravens will scout the treetop nests for weeks on end always staying at a distance till they judge the time is right. Usually when enough chicks have hatched, they will create a single coordinated attack. Swoop in enmass to peck the young chicks through the still soft brain pan and knock them out of the high nest so that they can acsess the remains from the forest floor where the parents can't defend them as well.

They could have created a similar mass attack on the eggs, but in this locale, year after year they prefer the fresh hatched meat. These chicks quickly grow huge too, often nearly as large as the ravens themselves.



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