#1051 2018-08-22 16:20:51

In the end we need to turn our steely gaze onto the DNC also, every single politician needs to know that if they even think about stepping out of line we'll be watching and waiting.  A Brave New World my ass; how about a Pissed Off World Mr. Huxley?  Did you ever think about that?  Eh?



#1052 2018-08-22 16:59:59




#1053 2018-08-23 07:47:44


Last edited by Mugwump (2018-08-23 07:48:14)



#1054 2018-08-23 10:03:08

Emmeran wrote:

In the end we need to turn our steely gaze onto the DNC also, every single politician needs to know that if they even think about stepping out of line we'll be watching and waiting.  A Brave New World my ass; how about a Pissed Off World Mr. Huxley?  Did you ever think about that?  Eh?

Our political system is broken beyond repair and we just have to hope they occasionally toss us a candidate that doesn't make our stomachs turn.  Why does the television media get to decide that we can only have a two party system?  The number of people that vote in this country is roughly half of the people that are eligible.  Apathy and ignorance is going to take us all down.



#1055 2018-08-23 12:36:28

Oh well, never mind then.

Trump declares the Stock Market would collapse if Democrats impeached him.

“I don’t know how you can impeach somebody who’s done a great job,” Trump said, in the interview which aired Thursday on "Fox & Friends".

Further, he warned, “If I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash, I think everybody would be very poor, because without this thinking, you would see — you would see numbers that you wouldn’t believe in reverse.”

Even a program lobbing the softest of softballs can't save 45 from himself.



#1056 2018-08-23 15:53:36

Baywolfe wrote:

Even a program lobbing the softest of softballs can't save 45 from himself.


The big joke here is that Mueller has been on a tropical vacation since the whole investigation started, since he figured out early on that if he simply kept his head down and his mouth shut that Trump would impeach himself.

All the best arrows in the quiver came from Trump himself.



#1057 2018-08-24 09:43:57

Smudge wrote:

Baywolfe wrote:

Even a program lobbing the softest of softballs can't save 45 from himself.


The big joke here is that Mueller has been on a tropical vacation since the whole investigation started, since he figured out early on that if he simply kept his head down and his mouth shut that Trump would impeach himself.

All the best arrows in the quiver came from Trump himself.

45 is now in full blown injured scorpion mode.  He lashed out at Sessions for not making this whole thing go away and damn if the little weasel didn't stand up from himself and the DOJ.  You know you're in big trouble when when the weasels stop cowering and turn on you.



#1058 2018-08-25 02:12:42



#1061 2018-08-25 20:54:57

I have to believe that most of the West Wing, except for 45, understands.  At least he probably isn't just sitting there talking to Lincoln, he doesn't take anybody's advice, alive or dead.



#1062 2018-08-25 22:12:09




#1064 2018-08-29 02:32:44

He's senile, not paranoid, and just conscious enough to know they really are out to get him.



#1065 2018-08-29 11:58:07

I just can't anymore.  It's like the old Doonesbury comic about Nixon and Watergate.  "If we just caught him robbing a liquor store, boy, then we'd have him!"

It's time to concentrate on November and getting rid of as many evil motherfuckers in Washington as we can.  Then we can talk about shutting his Presidency down.



#1066 2018-08-29 12:52:25

Baywolfe wrote:

I just can't anymore.  It's like the old Doonesbury comic about Nixon and Watergate.  "If we just caught him robbing a liquor store, boy, then we'd have him!"


In this case, probably a pilfered Happy Meal but it's all the same. Think it's time we banish the troll in the living room?

Show of hands, boys & girls.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#1067 2018-08-29 16:06:37

I say keep the motherfucker for a full term as a lamed duck.  Christ, Pence scares the bejezuz outa me. The fuckin' evil ya know, ya know?



#1068 2018-08-29 16:25:30

SpacePuppy wrote:

I say keep the motherfucker for a full term as a lamed duck.  Christ, Pence scares the bejezuz outa me. The fuckin' evil ya know, ya know?

I do know. At least Trump's incompetent, so he's somewhat limited in the damage he can do. Pence is a truly scary guy.



#1069 2018-09-04 23:21:44


~ circling the drain ~

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#1070 2018-09-05 16:54:19

"That it should come to this." ~ Hamlet

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/opin … tance.html



#1071 2018-09-05 18:39:52

Smudge wrote:

"That it should come to this." ~ Hamlet

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/opin … tance.html

Great Article!  Thanks!



#1072 2018-09-06 11:58:22

SpacePuppy wrote:

Smudge wrote:

"That it should come to this." ~ Hamlet

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/opin … tance.html

Great Article!  Thanks!

That means that there is, effectively, a Coups D'etat going on in the White House right now.  As much as I hate the fucking pig bastard, he was elected President and should be removed not governed around by people we didn't elect.  Ted Cruz and all the other sycophants deserve the worst level of hell that Dante could imagine.



#1073 2018-09-06 13:10:00

....who done it..???......Pence?, Sessions?, Melanie?, Jarod?, Ivanka?, Kelly?, .....who is it?....buy 'em a beer !!



#1074 2018-09-06 13:37:32

Exclusive: Psychiatrist Bandy Lee says White House officials told her Trump was “unraveling”

Yale shrink says Trump officials reached out to her last fall, suggests his mental state is rapidly deteriorating

Essentially, the White House staff have de facto informally invoked the 25th Amendment, recognizing among themselves that [Trump] is incapable of carrying out the duties of the office. Knowing that he is dangerously mentally unbalanced, they are seeking to provide ballast to keep him from capsizing the ship of state. This is a madness of King George situation. Or perhaps we should say the emperor's new clothes, where everyone can see the emperor has no sanity, even though no one is allowed to say it aloud...

https://www.salon.com/2018/09/06/exclus … nraveling/



#1075 2018-09-06 15:15:05

Well you hire someone in his 70's that shit is gonna happen.

Hell, the dude has never worked anyway so just the stress of actual responsibility is probably doing him in.



#1076 2018-09-07 01:34:54

Pence Blasts New York Times and Vows Never to Write for It Again

~ click ~



#1078 2018-09-07 11:34:16

Emmeran wrote:

Pot meet Kettle

The author of the article must be a Trump slurper.

These are fair-minded and honorable thoughts. As my Bloomberg Opinion colleague Francis Wilkinson noted, “anyone who thinks they escape the moral and political taint of this administration by murmuring anonymous misgivings about Trump is a fool as well as a coward.” And writers, as the first lady highlights, should have the courage and character to stand by their words (though anonymity is a valuable necessity for reporters' sources if used judiciously).

He totally misses the point that the "anonymous" writer is known to the New York Times but requested anonymity, presumably, so they can keep Trump from blowing up the world.


Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out to be Pence or Sessions?

Last edited by Baywolfe (2018-09-07 11:59:32)



#1079 2018-09-10 21:09:53

Baywolfe wrote:

Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out to be Pence or Sessions?

Well, starting a whispering campaign against your boss has been in every management handbook since they were building ziggurats.



#1080 2018-09-12 12:50:38

As the saying goes, you won't be seeing this on Conservative radio and television Trump’s ties to the Russian mafia go back 3 decades.

I've been waiting on more stories about this since he started campaigning.  Either it's total bullshit or everybody in the press here is afraid of the Soviet poison pellet.



#1081 2018-09-12 17:54:38




#1082 2018-09-15 13:36:11

If your memory, like mine, is getting a little fuzzy with age, you'll appreciate this handy mnemonic assist and database of Trump Administration scandals, conflicts of interest, criminal charges and convictions:

https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/trum … conflicts/



#1083 2018-09-15 14:29:57

Priceless, and from Bloomberg no less.  They seem all about how news affects business not political agendas.



#1084 2018-09-17 10:58:20

Alert, Alert!  His Orangeness insists on speaking to YOU.

The warning system "provides the president with the communications capability to address the nation during a national emergency," FEMA said on its website.

Like "Help, the FBI is coming to arrest me!  STORM THE WHITEHOUSE NOW!!!"



#1085 2018-09-18 15:23:18

Why Nintendo’s Toad is in the news, and why he doesn’t deserve this

Turn back now, before it’s too late!

~ click ~



#1086 2018-09-19 04:01:57





#1088 2018-09-19 11:57:42

LOL - he'd probably be just "average" if he wasn't so fat.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#1089 2018-09-19 16:40:35

Emmeran wrote:

LOL - he'd probably be just "average" if he wasn't so fat.

Definitely suffers from "the pouch".  The one area I actually feel his pain.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#1090 2018-09-20 14:08:02


1088 Replies


Yet, remains:

Much ado




#1091 2018-09-20 15:22:22

The best evidence of collusion, which is hiding in plain sight, is Trump's own behavior. Trump's endless drumbeat of "no collusion" is totally out of character for someone who is in fact innocent. Then there's the fact that Trump has been obstructing the investigation with aggression and regularity, which is in itself potentially criminal. Why would he do so, and take the accompanying risk if he didn't need to?

Taking Trump's behavior in its totality, there is no other credible explanation for his actions.

Then there's the fact that his campaign has already been caught colluding with Russia. The only remaining question in my mind is whether Mueller will find concrete evidence proving that Trump himself was aware of, and approved of the collusion. At this point only Mueller and his crew know that.

https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/ar … ed/560894/



#1092 2018-09-20 16:06:30

I don't really give a rat's ass about collusion which, by itself, isn't even actually a crime.  He's a crook who didn't even have sense enough to realize that the dirty dealings he was involved with before he was nominated had to stop after you're a candidate for President.  Unfortunately for him it can't, because he's in too deep with the Russian Mafia a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian Government.

This guy has cruised through life lying, abusing his power, and forcing people to sign NDAs.  "Not acting Presidential" is the least of his crimes.



#1093 2018-09-20 16:10:33

JetRx wrote:

Much ado


You know what a syllogism is, right?

S'matter, 40 years and never mind the last two, of direct evidence Donny Trump is a crook with the emotional self control of a toddler ain't enough?

There are no good guys in this shitshow. They're all complicit.



#1094 2018-09-20 16:18:25

choad wrote:

JetRx wrote:

Much ado


You know what a syllogism is, right?

S'matter, 40 years and never mind the last two, of direct evidence Donny Trump is a crook with the emotional self control of a toddler ain't enough?

There are no good guys in this shitshow. They're all complicit.

JetRX is doing a wonderful job of trolling - Trump has turned the conversation boring and Jet is the only one willing to play devils advocate.



#1095 2018-09-20 16:50:26

It only works as trolling if it cranks someone up, and I don't see that it is upsetting anyone. JetRx is merely advertising the fact that he draws unsupported conclusions from a paucity of data (the fact that Woodward found no evidence is not evidence in its own right, and it's not particularly compelling either -- especially given everything else we know).

If he wants to pick a fight with only a weak argument to defend himself, I'll play along for a round or two. But I'm a scrapper.



#1096 2018-09-20 17:10:22

Emmeran wrote:

JetRX is doing a wonderful job of trolling - Trump has turned the conversation boring and Jet is the only one willing to play devils advocate.

You're right, it is boring, and past caring whether the infamous PEE TAPE reveals more than weak stream syndrome.

Trump didn't pwn and suck the air out of the nation's news media. Our oligarchs accomplished that, in record time, too.

Want to give this thread a rest until, I dunno, something consequential happens?



#1097 2018-09-20 17:36:33

choad wrote:

Want to give this thread a rest until, I dunno, something consequential happens?

You just told everybody to stop posting political material on the images thread. Now you're saying only post major stories here? Where ARE we supposed to post political memes, and the daily dreck that the web generates in such abundance?

Is a dress code coming next?

(JetRx; you can troll me as often as you want. If you can get under my skin, or upset me, I'll even buy you a beer.)

Last edited by Smudge (2018-09-20 18:44:58)



#1098 2018-09-20 18:31:42

Smudge wrote:

choad wrote:

Want to give this thread a rest until, I dunno, something consequential happens?

You just told everybody to stop posting political material on the images thread.

Sorry I came across that way.

In this site's first iteration as cruel.com partisan bicker was usually ridiculed but never banned.



#1099 2018-09-20 18:37:26

I was not aware of the fact that political posting was frowned upon. Trump has been front and center since I've been posting here, and it's pretty difficult to get through a week (and sometimes even a day) without the subject of him coming up. But, hey, I can learn and adapt.



#1100 2018-09-20 19:01:56

Smudge wrote:

I was not aware of the fact that political posting was frowned upon. Trump has been front and center since I've been posting here

And I was asking a question. Are you tired of it yet?



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