#2 2018-09-23 15:50:26
JetRx wrote:
https://cruelery.com/uploads/thumbs/307 … 7d1578.png
“A woman resists Capitol security attempts to remove her from the Kavanaugh committee hearing even as she apparently menstruates all over her clothing and chair.”
Quote from where? No link means it didn't happen.
(I'm pretty sure that's an ancient picture; you can tell because it's a period piece.)
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#3 2018-09-23 19:09:24
Smudge wrote:
JetRx wrote:
https://cruelery.com/uploads/thumbs/307 … 7d1578.png
“A woman resists Capitol security attempts to remove her from the Kavanaugh committee hearing even as she apparently menstruates all over her clothing and chair.”Quote from where? No link means it didn't happen.
(I'm pretty sure that's an ancient picture; you can tell because it's a period piece.)
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#4 2018-09-23 22:34:23
#5 2018-09-25 15:54:49
This one's for you, Mugger:
#6 2018-09-25 16:14:56
Smudge wrote:
This one's for you, Mugger:
#8 2018-09-26 11:59:29
Updated Kavanaugh picture (scroll down)
> (A third accuser just came forward)
#9 2018-09-26 12:04:01
Speaking of pulling the plug. Ad buys are being pulled from anybody smelling like a dead duck.
Republicans start to pull plug on members
#10 2018-09-26 12:12:33
Irony: The Republican Party is doing a better job condemning molesters in their ranks than the church.
#11 2018-09-26 12:20:39
GooberMcNutly wrote:
Irony: The Republican Party is doing a better job condemning molesters in their ranks than the church.
Damned with faint praise.
#12 2018-09-26 21:24:40
GooberMcNutly wrote:
Irony: The Republican Party is doing a better job condemning molesters in their ranks than the church.
Well, unless they're running for (or are) President, or have one foot in the door of the Supreme Court...
#13 2018-09-27 23:27:29
Opinion | Why Brett Kavanaugh Wasn’t Believable
And why Christine Blasey Ford was.
What a study in contrasts: Where Christine Blasey Ford was calm and dignified, Brett Kavanaugh was volatile and belligerent; where she was eager to respond fully to every questioner, and kept worrying whether she was being “helpful” enough, he was openly contemptuous of several senators; most important, where she was credible and unshakable at every point in her testimony, he was at some points evasive, and some of his answers strained credulity...
#14 2018-09-28 10:34:28
Smudge wrote:
Opinion | Why Brett Kavanaugh Wasn’t Believable
And why Christine Blasey Ford was.
https://i.postimg.cc/7hLnsC7q/27kav1-article_Large.jpgWhat a study in contrasts: Where Christine Blasey Ford was calm and dignified, Brett Kavanaugh was volatile and belligerent; where she was eager to respond fully to every questioner, and kept worrying whether she was being “helpful” enough, he was openly contemptuous of several senators; most important, where she was credible and unshakable at every point in her testimony, he was at some points evasive, and some of his answers strained credulity...
Another privileged, Catholic, frat boy. With the Emotional IQ to equal the President. Angry that he wasn't swept into his new position accompanied by a choir of angels.
Speaking of which, Catholic Magazine Revokes Endorsement Of Brett Kavanaugh After Hearing. Because anti-abortion? Yay!!! Sexual predator? YIKES!!!
#15 2018-09-28 11:54:09
It's pretty clear that the confirmation process for Kavanaugh is about jamming his nomination through before anyone has an opportunity to uncover the truth. No wonder the two sides can't agree. Their goals are diametrically opposed.
American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations
https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/nati … llegations
#16 2018-09-28 15:04:09
Smudge wrote:
It's pretty clear that the confirmation process for Kavanaugh is about jamming his nomination through before anyone has an opportunity to uncover the truth. No wonder the two sides can't agree. Their goals are diametrically opposed.
American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations
https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/nati … llegations
Why not? The other side wouldn't even consider a nominee until after the election. And if Billary had won, they'd think of another excuse. The sad part of this is that many of the people who didn't seek re-election in the last decade have been people who believed in compromise and the "honored opponent". Now the left is just electing people who are as radically partisan as the right. There is no more "there" there.
#17 2018-09-28 16:11:37
Well, hell, it isn't reasonable to expect him to know anything about the law.
Brett Kavanaugh wrongly claimed he could drink legally in Maryland in high school
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kavanaugh- … 018-09-28/
PS -- Extra point question: Did you know your own state's drinking age when you were in high school?
#18 2018-09-28 18:54:20
Smudge wrote:
Well, hell, it isn't reasonable to expect him to know anything about the law.
Brett Kavanaugh wrongly claimed he could drink legally in Maryland in high school
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kavanaugh- … 018-09-28/
PS -- Extra point question: Did you know your own state's drinking age when you were in high school?
Of course we did - it wasn't drinking age we cared about it was the "buying age".
#19 2018-09-28 19:04:29
Emmeran wrote:
Smudge wrote:
Well, hell, it isn't reasonable to expect him to know anything about the law.
Brett Kavanaugh wrongly claimed he could drink legally in Maryland in high school
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kavanaugh- … 018-09-28/
PS -- Extra point question: Did you know your own state's drinking age when you were in high school?Of course we did - it wasn't drinking age we cared about it was the "buying age".
Exactly. It's simply not credible that Kavanaugh forgot all of the hoops he and his peers had to jump through in order to drink while still in high school.
#20 2018-09-29 00:27:30
Emmeran wrote:
Smudge wrote:
Well, hell, it isn't reasonable to expect him to know anything about the law.
Brett Kavanaugh wrongly claimed he could drink legally in Maryland in high school
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kavanaugh- … 018-09-28/
PS -- Extra point question: Did you know your own state's drinking age when you were in high school?Of course we did - it wasn't drinking age we cared about it was the "buying age".
We used to roll up to "Uncle Sam's" beverage to buy our beer. One of those drive-up instead of drive-through places. We always got chewed out if anybody had their high school jacket on.
#21 2018-09-29 03:42:12
#22 2018-09-29 21:47:43
https://www.facebook.com/billy.hipkins/ … 1055234968
Last edited by SpacePuppy (2018-09-29 21:48:26)
#23 2018-09-30 02:02:30
#24 2018-10-01 14:00:25
#25 2018-10-02 00:26:55
The last time I heard about an institutional cover up this absurd, it involved a guy that Russia claimed committed suicide by shooting himself three times in the back of the head.
Not only should Kavanaugh be denied a seat on the Supreme Court, he should be impeached from his current position on the Court of Appeals. He has told a whole series of lies, which can be easily proven.
I'm not saying he won't get confirmed, but if he does it will be done under bright spotlights and with the full knowledge of the world that Republican leadership from Trump on down is thoroughly corrupt. If Trump had half the brains he thinks he has he would have dumped this turkey a long time ago. At this point Kavanaugh is so completely damaged and discredited that his presence on the Court would defile the institution.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/suprem … ce-n915566
Last edited by Smudge (2018-10-02 00:37:04)
#26 2018-10-02 09:09:56
Smudge wrote:
At this point Kavanaugh is so completely damaged and discredited that his presence on the Court would defile the institution.
That was the old world, welcome to the new world. I'm just happy to see yet another Ivy League frat boy get bitched slapped. Deny him his throne and they'll find somebody somewhere just as bad but without the discoverable skeletons.
My major concern is that I have no idea what the majority of Americans think about all of this. I'll bet everybody in Kentucky is praying for his nomination. In fact, all he would have to do is pretend to repent and accept Jebus and all the good Xtians would jump on his bandwagon.
#27 2018-10-02 13:33:08
Look - they just want all fetuses to live so they can put them on death row.
Just some really confused people out there.
#28 2018-10-02 13:36:59
Emmeran wrote:
Look - they just want all fetuses to live so they can put them on death row.
Just some really confused people out there.
Or they'll live until somebody shoots them at school, or church, or the shopping mall, or the theater, or...
#29 2018-10-02 16:46:47
Smudge wrote:
At this point Kavanaugh is so completely damaged and discredited that his presence on the Court would defile the institution.
Really, hasn't that been Trump's goal all along? Look at everything else his 'administration' has defiled... Hell, they even defiled the word 'fact'.
#31 2018-10-03 11:55:56
Baywolfe wrote:
Excellent article which expressed what I felt and feel better than I could myself. He really nails it.
#34 2018-10-07 00:13:31
The Senate on Saturday voted 50-48 to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. It’s among the closest votes on a Supreme Court nominee in the history of our country, and it underscores just how divided this whole process has been.
On of the most important positions in our government and you don't even need 51 votes, much less a two third's majority.
I guess Lawrence O'Donnell is right.
There is an unfortunate truth at the base of what most people are feeling tonight. And that truth is that the Senate is not a democratic institution. That is the sickening core of what we feel deep down when we watch the Senate work. The Senate destroys the American illusion of democracy as it was designed to do. We are allowed to ignore that uncomfortable truth most of the time. But not now. The Founders deliberately created an antidemocratic institution and called it the United States Senate.
#37 2018-10-11 17:30:20
We'll see. In Texas the goobers in small towns outnumber the city people.
Democrats are definitely going to need a better turnout than 2016, Independents as well.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#38 2018-10-11 17:38:25
Well...I think that's what they're trying to measure with this kind of polling; voter enthusiasm. But, in general, I agree with you.
Two years ago, in my weaker moments, I would fantasize about beating up Trump supporters. Now I fantasize about beating up Democrats who stay home on election day.
#39 2018-10-11 17:50:47
Smudge wrote:
Well...I think that's what they're trying to measure with this kind of polling; voter enthusiasm. But, in general, I agree with you.
Two years ago, in my weaker moments, I would fantasize about beating up Trump supporters. Now I fantasize about beating up Democrats who stay home on election day.
You don't vote, you don't get to bitch. Or crow.