#1 2020-07-17 13:55:29

https://www.opb.org/news/article/federa … 4w.twitter

"Remember, Remember, Remember The 4th of November when the mask was removed to reveal that the pretender was a dictator in Truth?"

What we are seeing in Portland Oregon is a dress rehearsal for what is coming down the road. The federal officers are playing "Catch and Release". This is signalling what is to soon start happening on a wider scale if you all don't start "behaving".

These are extrajudicial activities where when fully implemented people are "disappeared" ala Argentina, Iraq, and other failed states in the past. There is no "US exceptionalism" here, we taught this lesson around the world, and now it has come home to nest.

Be Aware.




#2 2020-07-17 16:37:53

What the fuck is GOING ON up there?



#3 2020-07-17 17:03:39

Baywolfe wrote:

What the fuck is GOING ON up there?

Portland is an exercise for what is coming down the pike nationwide.  Stay tuned.



#4 2020-07-18 11:15:29

SpacePuppy wrote:

Baywolfe wrote:

What the fuck is GOING ON up there?

Portland is an exercise for what is coming down the pike nationwide.  Stay tuned.

What Trump thinks it can get away with in the dark corners of our country is different from what it can pull in major metropolises.  You'd see some of those unmarked cars start blowing up. 

The real problem here is the Pandora's Box effect.  Now every Presidential Administration will know the new kind of stunts they can pull.  For example, when did "Federal Officers" start wearing camo and driving around in unmarked vans?  And, is it really any worse than Federal Agents in suits and ties driving around in unmarked vans?  I get it that, in Trump's mind, people of color protesting white supremacy and systematic racism is a real "end of the world " scenario for him.  But it's also a clear violation of State's rights.

Last edited by Baywolfe (2020-07-18 11:18:52)



#5 2020-07-19 20:10:22



#6 2020-07-20 10:05:51

It's all fun and games until the quiet knock on your door in the dark of the night.



#7 2020-07-20 12:29:50

GooberMcNutly wrote:

It's all fun and games until the quiet knock on your door in the dark of the night.

Welcome to the post Republic times.



#9 2020-07-20 17:08:20

Donny wrote:

We're not going to let New York and Chicago and Philadelphia, Detroit and Baltimore and all of these, Oakland is a mess. We're not going to let this happen in our country. All run by liberal Democrats,

Gee, it seems pretty obvious that his intention is to militarize political differences.  All we need him to do now is dress them in brown shirts.



#10 2020-07-23 21:34:46

SLATE: Why Trump Chose Portland | Violent, reckless federal forces have a friend in the city’s police.

The PPB’s history of undue violence, which has bred distrust in the communities it’s supposed to protect, extends beyond political demonstrations. Like many police forces, the PPB has a history of officers killing Black people with impunity—including 21-year-old Kendra James, who was killed during a 2003 traffic stop, and 17-year-old Quanice Hayes, who was gunned down while kneeling in 2017. (Black people, who make up about 6 percent of the Portland population, also make up a disproportionate number of those stopped by police and targeted by uses of force.) When the police chief banned chokeholds in 1985 after officers killed a Black man with the hold, officers made T-shirts that said, “Don’t Choke ’Em. Smoke ’Em.” In 2012, the Justice Department reported that the PPB had an unconstitutional “pattern or practice” of using excessive force against people with mental illnesses and has maintained oversight of the PPB since a settlement agreement in 2014. Earlier this year, the DOJ announced that the PPB was finally in compliance with all the requirements of the settlement agreement, though then­–police Chief Jami Resch admitted that officers are still shooting people with mental illnesses and will likely continue to do so. “We’re killing more people today with mental health issues by the Portland Police than we did before the DOJ came to town,” Hardesty told Rolling Stone.

In its abuses at protests, the PPB has not targeted demonstrators equally across ideological lines. As alt-right groups emboldened by Donald Trump have gathered in numbers in a state with deep roots in white supremacist organizing, the PPB has been seen as sympathetic to those organizations. A series of friendly text messages sent in 2017 and 2018 showed Lt. Jeff Niiya, the head of the PPB unit that addresses protests, giving protest tips to the leader of the alt-right Patriot Prayer group and congratulating him on his bid for public office. When right- and left-wing groups faced off in 2018, demonstrators observed that police officers faced the left-wing groups and kept their backs toward the right-wingers, though police had found Patriot Prayer members with a cache of weapons on the roof of a parking garage before the protest. (The bureau didn’t inform the mayor of the bust for months.)

The recent clashes are deeply enmeshed in the state’s history. “Oregon really was settled as a white homeland, and that’s why the skinhead groups and the white supremacists, the active white racists, are so strong here,” said Karen Gibson, a Portland State University professor who has studied the Portland police’s history with Black communities. “They’re still quite active here, and this is related to Trump’s whole agenda of reasserting white supremacy,” she said. Since the early 1900s, Portland has also been home to a formidable “strain of revolutionary white folks,” including antifascist and anarchist organizers.

According to activists, the makeup of the PPB is key to its antagonistic relationship with many Portland communities. The force is even more white and less Black than the Portland population, and the Portland Mercury reported in 2018 that just 18 percent of Portland officers live in the city they police. “Growing up in Oregon, in a place that’s 90 percent white, it’s only if you live in the city that you’re going to get exposed to and have experience with Black people and brown people,” Gibson said of the backgrounds of Portland cops. “And you can live in the city on the southern side of town and it’s still nearly 90 percent white. What it means is that [these] whites are unexposed to and unfamiliar with Black culture and Black people.”

LATE EDIT: I'm sorry I fucked up the html to highlight the title, but it's been a while since I've been here.

Last edited by square (2020-07-24 00:29:57)



#11 2020-07-24 00:31:51

Long time, no see!  I think I fixed the link.  The "Preview" function is useful...



#13 2020-07-27 15:15:15

Well, the people who actually are attending from BLM consider him a non-player as he is in bed with the city and the police, so he can't lead on this as he is not out there, has never attended a rally of BLM at all, so really he can just STFU according to those who laying their lives on the line, and the BLM people aren't making co-option noises like this guy is. They are happy to have the support.



#14 2020-07-27 16:09:22

SpacePuppy wrote:

Well, the people who actually are attending from BLM consider him a non-player as he is in bed with the city and the police, so he can't lead on this as he is not out there, has never attended a rally of BLM at all, so really he can just STFU according to those who laying their lives on the line, and the BLM people aren't making co-option noises like this guy is. They are happy to have the support.

Sorry, too many pronouns here for me.  Are you saying that Mondainé is "him, he, and this guy"?



#15 2020-07-27 19:50:55

Baywolfe wrote:

SpacePuppy wrote:

Well, the people who actually are attending from BLM consider him a non-player as he is in bed with the city and the police, so he can't lead on this as he is not out there, has never attended a rally of BLM at all, so really he can just STFU according to those who laying their lives on the line, and the BLM people aren't making co-option noises like this guy is. They are happy to have the support.

Sorry, too many pronouns here for me.  Are you saying that Mondainé is "him, he, and this guy"?

Sorry lack of stimulants.  The NAACP preacher, yep.



#16 2020-07-29 00:17:08

ESQUIRE: The President* Wants Chaos and Disunion. Don't Give It to Him.

It’s time for folks to stop hurling themselves mindlessly into the face of faceless law-enforcement. Undisciplined resistance to undisciplined force is a shortcut to incoherent violence for its own sake.

It also leaves your own side vulnerable to agents provocateur.


Don’t Be A Sucker is an important political principle.


We live in a time in which the President* of the United States wants chaos and disunion. Don’t give it to him.



#17 2020-07-29 12:19:53

AladdinSane wrote:

ESQUIRE: The President* Wants Chaos and Disunion. Don't Give It to Him.

It’s time for folks to stop hurling themselves mindlessly into the face of faceless law-enforcement. Undisciplined resistance to undisciplined force is a shortcut to incoherent violence for its own sake.

It also leaves your own side vulnerable to agents provocateur.


Don’t Be A Sucker is an important political principle.


We live in a time in which the President* of the United States wants chaos and disunion. Don’t give it to him.

Great Article.  Thanks for posting.



#18 2020-07-29 17:40:35

The revolution will not be televised.



#19 2020-07-30 08:35:33

Baywolfe wrote:

The revolution will not be televised.

Well that's most inconvenient, I was hoping to binge it along with Last Kingdom and whatever Johnny Depp should've been in until he shit the bed.



#20 2020-07-30 23:59:14

It was bound to happen:

NEW YORK POST: Portland Wall of Moms group accused of ‘anti-blackness’ by other advocates

But Don’t Shoot PDX said that move made it clear Wall of Moms was “not started for BLM, but to get the feds out of PDX [Portland].”



#21 2020-07-31 00:18:25

AladdinSane wrote:

It was bound to happen:

NEW YORK POST: Portland Wall of Moms group accused of ‘anti-blackness’ by other advocates

But Don’t Shoot PDX said that move made it clear Wall of Moms was “not started for BLM, but to get the feds out of PDX [Portland].”

NY Post.  Meh.



#22 2020-07-31 15:46:47

Remember, remember:  Every Vote Counts! 



#23 2020-07-31 17:33:13

JetRx wrote:

Remember, remember:  Every Vote Counts! 

Here in Oregon, you can drop your ballot off rather than mail it.  Worked since 2000. Also remember that at this point ThinSkin 45 has been shitting down the throat of the P.O., oh wait, that would be the whole Republican party since Reagan, to be fair but Invisibleforskin has upped the anti recently, to muddy the water for this vote.




#24 2020-07-31 19:08:29

Texas has a month of early voting.  We wait to the second week and go over the library.  There's usually five people or less there.



#25 2020-08-01 03:25:46

SpacePuppy wrote:

JetRx wrote:

Remember, remember:  Every Vote Counts! 

Here in Oregon, you can drop your ballot off rather than mail it.  Worked since 2000. Also remember that at this point ThinSkin 45 has been shitting down the throat of the P.O., oh wait, that would be the whole Republican party since Reagan, to be fair but Invisibleforskin has upped the anti recently, to muddy the water for this vote.


If one believes voting is important, one should make the effort to show up.
"Alternative" means are readily afforded those few "exceptional" citizens finding themselves unable to appear in person.
Infantilizing the process = joke.



#26 2020-08-01 06:32:50

"One should make the effort" and "[i]nfantilizing" - now that is a weak, hidebound argument if I ever heard one.  If there are real arguments against voting by mail, let's hear them.



#27 2020-08-05 03:19:44

Fled wrote:

"One should make the effort" and "[i]nfantilizing" - now that is a weak, hidebound argument if I ever heard one.  If there are real arguments against voting by mail, let's hear them.




#28 2020-08-05 08:37:54

JetRx wrote:

Fled wrote:

"One should make the effort" and "[i]nfantilizing" - now that is a weak, hidebound argument if I ever heard one.  If there are real arguments against voting by mail, let's hear them.

https://cruelery.com/uploads/thumbs/307 … c5e0e.jpeg

Oh shoot, voting by mail is good now. So says the big chief now.

Got to get with the times!



#29 2020-08-05 20:15:56

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

JetRx wrote:

Fled wrote:

"One should make the effort" and "infantilizing" - now that is a weak, hidebound argument if I ever heard one.  If there are real arguments against voting by mail, let's hear them.

https://cruelery.com/uploads/thumbs/307 … c5e0e.jpeg

Oh shoot, voting by mail is good now. So says the big chief now.

Got to get with the times!

Only in Florida, and definitely not in Nevada.

Last edited by BorderCount (2020-08-05 20:16:31)



#30 2020-08-05 21:37:48


I'm a few hours away from portland with some friends that have been out protesting everynight and live streaming it. It's always the cops starting shit, which is how it was since the beginning, and once the feds "left" the cops are just back at it, doing the same shit.

There are a lot of "alt-right" groups and individuals that have been fucking things up in portland, as we have seen at pretty much all of the other protests around the nation.

Proud Boys are a huge white sup group that is always starting shit in Portland, theyve been a problem for years, but are having a field day with this shit. People from washington have been coming down to counter BLM.

The majority of portland police don't even live in portland. A ton of people are going for this "write-in teressa" which is a fucking joke and bad idea.

Portland protests are now mostly white people that want to brag about being part of a protest, some deep undercover trumpers/cops (also seeing a lot of people reporting BLM protestors to cops and sending in their own videos to cops), and bunch of assholes that are shifting the focus on police and NOT on BLM and then a small group of focused BLM protestors.

The focus now is this mail in ballot bullshit that trump is pulling.



#31 2020-08-07 01:16:35

kim wrote:

I'm a few hours away from portland with some friends that have been out protesting everynight and live streaming it. It's always the cops starting shit, which is how it was since the beginning, and once the feds "left" the cops are just back at it, doing the same shit.

There are a lot of "alt-right" groups and individuals that have been fucking things up in portland, as we have seen at pretty much all of the other protests around the nation.

Proud Boys are a huge white sup group that is always starting shit in Portland, theyve been a problem for years, but are having a field day with this shit. People from washington have been coming down to counter BLM.

The majority of portland police don't even live in portland. A ton of people are going for this "write-in teressa" which is a fucking joke and bad idea.

Portland protests are now mostly white people that want to brag about being part of a protest, some deep undercover trumpers/cops (also seeing a lot of people reporting BLM protestors to cops and sending in their own videos to cops), and bunch of assholes that are shifting the focus on police and NOT on BLM and then a small group of focused BLM protestors.

The focus now is this mail in ballot bullshit that trump is pulling.


Another "opportunity" for your RIGHTEOUS riotous indignation recently presented itself in Sheboygan, WI.   
These raaaysis cops definitely need to go. 


Last edited by JetRx (2020-08-09 07:27:51)



#32 2020-08-14 21:31:06

Well, you can look at this two ways: Either they're kowtowing to the Far Right or they struck a blow to the anti-revolutionary State of California.

The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals maintained that the state's ban on magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition breached the core right of law-abiding citizens to self-defend.



#33 2020-08-18 21:17:24

Hey protesters! Is this what you really want? Turning another downtown into a vacuous hellhole?

DAILY MAIL: Multiple Portland companies plan to move out of downtown office spaces because ongoing BLM protests have made the area 'unsafe' - with reports of widespread vandalism and 'workers being attacked'

Last edited by AladdinSane (2020-08-18 21:17:50)



#34 2020-08-18 22:18:59


Group of trumpers bear maced and shot at people three days ago during their own protest in downtown portland. Most of them not even from Oregon. It's all on video and of course, not at all anything anyone hears about.

I don't give a shit about gentrified neighborhoods complaining about the flash-bangs the cops are using or the dog toy squeakers, give me a break. Businesses shouldn't even be fucking OPEN in downtown Portland, Covid numbers are rising - EVERYWHERE.



#35 2020-08-18 22:37:15

kim wrote:

I don't give a shit about gentrified neighborhoods complaining about the flash-bangs the cops are using or the dog toy squeakers, give me a break. Businesses shouldn't even be fucking OPEN in downtown Portland, Covid numbers are rising - EVERYWHERE.

Yeah, but whatabout when COVID finally diminishes? You'll still have a hellhole no one wants to live in, and no one wants to do business in.
(See Atlanta, GA or Montgomery, AL.)



#36 2020-08-18 22:47:13

AladdinSane wrote:

kim wrote:

I don't give a shit about gentrified neighborhoods complaining about the flash-bangs the cops are using or the dog toy squeakers, give me a break. Businesses shouldn't even be fucking OPEN in downtown Portland, Covid numbers are rising - EVERYWHERE.

Yeah, but whatabout when COVID finally diminishes? You'll still have a hellhole no one wants to live in, and no one wants to do business in.
(See Atlanta, GA or Montgomery, AL.)

No sane person should want to live anywhere in Alabama, even Mobile.



#37 2020-08-18 23:21:33

Standard Insurance, whose headquarters at 900 SW 5th Avenue is a key part of downtown Portland’s cityscape, have removed the last of their 2,100 employees from the center and have relocated them to their office in Hillsboro.

Speltz says the removal of its workforce from the area is likely temporary but he’s unsure how many workers will return to the company’s downtown locations.

The majority of its 2,100 workers had already been working from [home] because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Speltz said.

‘We remain committed to the downtown core,’ Speltz continued, ‘assuming conditions in the neighborhood improve.’

People still go to work in office building in Portland?  How quaint, a bit whacky though!

Manhattan emptied out 5 months ago, no one is ever coming back to floor after floor of vacated office space. It is eerie walking around downtown at rush hour.



#38 2020-08-19 09:01:41

I wouldn't want to be renting Class A commercial real estate right now. My company just used the COVID closing of our building to break the agreement we had on another 10k sq ft of the floor and we might move out of the other half of the floor we just leased last year when the lease ends in December. Everybody works from home now.

Of course our building now requires 24 hours notice and a security escort to even visit the space we are paying $50k a month for now, so my team can only go an pick up hardware for testing or personal effects with much planning. But they are in Atlanta and I've always been remote from Floriduh, so it doesn't affect me, but some of my guys still can't get on the computer by 9am even without the typical 90 minute Atlanta slog.

I look at it as a positive thing. Smog is clearing up, the morning rush is nearly gone, I have to remember to run my cars every week or two to keep the batteries charged up and the fuel running. I've bought gas 4 times since March. Unfortunately, my Friday Furloughs are over (along with the $241 I get from the state that is supposed to replace the $3k they cut from my pay) at the end of the month, so back to the full time grind for me. I would have been perfectly happy with a 4 day work week and reduced pay because of greatly reduced expenses.



#39 2020-08-19 15:43:05

All these newbies coming to the Suburbs and Countryside to Fuck It Up.

Stopped going to Downtown Portland years ago, except to Powell's or the occasional concert.  Mind you, I have been coming to or living in/around Portland off and on for 51 years.  When it was a cow/lumber town it had it's charms.  Not so much since the fuckwittery real estate boom from 1998 on.  The flavour is far different, yes, I know shit changes, but the smell of shit permeates the air in town now days, or urine.

Empty out the mad houses, cut back on public housing, destroy working class wages and up the fucking rents, who could of guessed what would happen?

Then you have the Patriot Prayer/Proud Boys Contingent coming to town in collusion with the Boys in Blue occupying forces and it is just a bit much.

Many of the so called rioters are from Vancouver, have Alt-Right/Nazi leanings, and work hand in hand with the PoPo to generate violence in otherwise peaceful protest.  Agent Provocateurs anyone?

And yes, some of the homeless mess is the cities fault, closing down public housing, selling it to developers.  Thanks Vera Katz, may you rot in your grave.



#40 2020-08-20 07:28:30

the Patriot Prayer Party

That's awesome and what I'm going to start calling the GOP



#41 2020-08-20 13:35:42

Losing The Working Class Vote Uncle Joe, Part 1



#43 2020-08-21 15:21:57

This man/child has been in problem mode for over a decade.



#44 2020-08-22 03:54:44

The Democrat Socialist Progressive Bolshevik Antifa types are PRO-violence and war...both civil and world. 
Why do you think they shut down their ONLY anti-war contender?



#45 2020-08-22 13:43:05

Some one has been cockgobbling Faux/45 Newspeak; "Democrat Socialist Progressive Bolshevik Antifa" Antifa are Anarchist based, which don't fall into these made up word salads.

Quit letting your mind be colonized for FFS. Learn the actual political differences rather than spouting the rhetoric of idiots who should know better.



#46 2020-08-22 23:05:45

I grow weary of the people are actually are or pretend to be against socialism.  I don't even adhere to the current Definition of Democratic Socialism which still sounds like Lenin or Marx wrote it.  To me, in America, socialism can be defined as a system where all citizens who earn money pay for services and goods that only a portion of the citizens will use, for the greater good. 

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Welfare, Farm Subsidies, Unemployment Benefits, Military Pensions, Insurance, Loans, Corporate Bailouts, The Mortgage-Interest Deduction on Income Taxes, Public Roads, Highways, and Interstates, Sidewalks, Public Schools, Property Taxes, Public Transportation, Public Parks, Greenbelts, Sports Facilities, Golf Courses, Police and Fire, Sports Stadiums and Arenas, just to name a few.

You can't argue that you don't want to pay for it because you don't use it if it still benefits you, however indirectly.

Last edited by Baywolfe (2020-08-22 23:06:16)



#47 2020-08-23 05:53:13

SpacePuppy wrote:

Some one has been cockgobbling Faux/45 Newspeak; "Democrat Socialist Progressive Bolshevik Antifa" Antifa are Anarchist based, which don't fall into these made up word salads.

Quit letting your mind be colonized for FFS. Learn the actual political differences rather than spouting the rhetoric of idiots who should know better.

There’s little “product differentiation” between various branches of the Free Shit Army.

Last edited by JetRx (2020-08-23 06:04:36)



#48 2020-08-23 12:21:17

JetRx wrote:

SpacePuppy wrote:

Some one has been cockgobbling Faux/45 Newspeak; "Democrat Socialist Progressive Bolshevik Antifa" Antifa are Anarchist based, which don't fall into these made up word salads.

Quit letting your mind be colonized for FFS. Learn the actual political differences rather than spouting the rhetoric of idiots who should know better.

There’s little “product differentiation” between various branches of the Free Shit Army.

I agree on the main. Some of the shit is worse than others, in that it does harm, like Faux's coverage of Covid "Just a mild flu" BS which has resulted in death, painting proud boys as harmless defenders of what the fuck etc.

I have no love for MSNBC, etc.



#49 2020-09-07 20:43:50

Im'ma say it now: BLM and Antifa are now jumping the shark:

DAILY MAIL: Outrageous moment BLM protesters scream 'f**k the white people' at elderly outdoor diners before downing their drinks, smashing glasses and forcing other patrons to leave the restaurant

Chaos in Oregon as armed Trump supporters clash with BLM protesters: Multiple people arrested as fights break out between demonstrators after huge MAGA vehicle rally drove from the Portland suburbs to Salem

After 100 days (in Oregon, at least), it's basically white liberal-arts grads making minimum wage at the Starbucks (if they still have jobs) and hoodrats who have nothing else to do other than roll out of bed and smoke weed all day.

Last edited by AladdinSane (2020-09-07 22:51:01)



#50 2020-09-07 23:42:11

AladdinSane wrote:

Im'ma say it now: BLM and Antifa are now jumping the shark:

DAILY MAIL: Outrageous moment BLM protesters scream 'f**k the white people' at elderly outdoor diners before downing their drinks, smashing glasses and forcing other patrons to leave the restaurant

Chaos in Oregon as armed Trump supporters clash with BLM protesters: Multiple people arrested as fights break out between demonstrators after huge MAGA vehicle rally drove from the Portland suburbs to Salem

After 100 days (in Oregon, at least), it's basically white liberal-arts grads making minimum wage at the Starbucks (if they still have jobs) and hoodrats who have nothing else to do other than roll out of bed and smoke weed all day.

That's all it ever has been and will be -- niggers and commies doing what they've always done.



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