#1 2021-09-30 22:11:32

It is under reported.  One would have to be a fool to think otherwise.
https://news.yahoo.com/more-half-police … 02158.html




#2 2021-10-01 02:07:05

One good thing on the progressive commie platform is to reign in LE.  It's mighty Libertarian of them.  Then again, if .gov was actually more limited and adhering to U.S. Constitution, this situation, most likely, wouldn't exist in the first place.  Just keep on w/this new woke, progressive, socialist nonsense and you'll RE-LEARN a bitter lesson history has taught time and time again.  Fascism?  Intolerance? Jackboots? Subjugation? Poverty? Brainwashing? You ain't seen nothing yet.



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