#2 2022-06-28 11:32:46

People who are trying to prevent members of society from speaking the truth will often punish minor criticisms,” he told me. “Simply to send the message to the rest of society that no dissent will be tolerated and no attempt to form an opposing group — even one that differs only slightly from the status quo — will be tolerated. If you allow minor differences, you allow people to coordinate around minor differences, and that can encourage even greater opposition. If people get that sense, then the whole process can unravel.

I had hoped that my youngest granddaughter's generation (she's 15) would be able to rise above this but, even though they are definitely more aware of the fascism and authoritarianism than I was at that age, they are also more inclined to fall into this trap.  I told her that she was going to have to choose between "those that aren't against us are for us" and "those that aren't for us are against us".



#3 2022-06-28 13:10:38

My son was deep into this for quite awhile. I told him many times that his reprimanding me on "incorrect thought" was its own form of repression. Hilarity generally ensued. He has gotten a bit better as of late, thankfully.

I think the whole world of "micro-aggressions" and other BS has bogged any progressive movement since the 80's/90's. I have suspected that the introduction of these forms of issues are a form of mind virus, or a very astute plant by intelligent services.  Sounds paranoid, but having survived the late 60's early 70's with the masses of police informers/undercover agents in orgs, perhaps not so far fetched.

I think William Burroughs was correct about mind parasites.



#4 2022-06-29 14:19:27



#5 2022-06-29 14:36:38

I get annoyed with a lot of newly coined terms like "micro-aggressions," "virtue signaling," and "cancel culture" itself.  The phrase-of-the-day mentality perhaps is intended as a conceptual short cut but really ends up be non-communicative way of spanking people with whom one disagrees. 

It pains me that progressives are so sensitive about terminology slights.  At best it is a distraction and at worst it becomes a fog that obscures real issues.



#6 2022-06-29 15:02:09

Fled wrote:

It pains me that progressives are so sensitive about terminology slights, etc.  At best it is a distraction and at worst it becomes a fog that obscures real issues.

The whole concept of concentrating on perceived slights, the concentration on minutia re issues has eviscerated the strength of the progressive side. The old circular firing squad.  Life of Brian/Splitters scenes, writ large.

First Definition Of Terms... always that:


And of Course, when it comes to Real Action:



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