#1 2022-11-14 19:47:31
https://jacobin.com/2022/11/krystal-bal … tic-party?
"Some of their success is no doubt attributable to backlash against the GOP for overturning Roe v. Wade and the slate of election-denying wackos Republicans put up across the country. But no theory of the midterms can really hold up without accounting for why Dems were so unusually strong in the Midwest — in states with large blue-collar populations that seemed at risk of drifting away in the Donald Trump era.
The answer to this puzzle actually seems kind of obvious: after decades of corporatists in both major parties kicking these voters in the face, the Biden administration actually did a few decent things for the region. And it turns out, when you do decent things for people, they tend to vote for you."
I hope so, I so certainly hope so. I have despaired about the Democrats since Clinton got in that filthy toe rag. He convinced to leave the party and become an independent.
#2 2022-11-15 22:22:33
Yeah, do the Democrats know that we're not only replacing Republicans with Democrats we're also replacing Democrats with Progressives?