#1 2022-10-15 13:51:46

Play Stupid Political Games With Health, Get Stupid Prizes:


Last edited by DmtDusty (2022-10-15 13:52:01)



#2 2022-10-15 21:05:40

I remember that initial multi-month period when hospitals first started getting slammed with patients, some who argued with them that they didn't have COVID because COVID doesn't exist.  They died in fear and confusion.  Much like they lived.



#3 2022-10-15 22:06:07

My wife and I were in the super market today. perhaps 10% of the patrons were masked (we are.) We live in a 60/40 area outside of Portland. 60/GOP... Still on the whole people are nice, but the hostile vibes around mask is something else. Fuck Em. Die if you like from something preventable.

The surge is coming, the flu as well. Good luck folks!



#4 2022-10-16 00:26:32

In the past few months I've been doing some traveling by plane and car.  Everywhere I went, at most 10% (more often less than 5%) of people were wearing masks, even on the plane.  In a lot of places I was the only one.  Didn't matter if it was a "liberal" (Massachusetts, Connecticut) or "conservative" (North Carolina, Ohio) location.

Haven't had anyone give me grief over it yet, though.



#5 2022-10-16 06:48:17

Wearing a mask here in the Shenandoah Valley is like wearing a sign that says "Be rude to me."



#6 2023-01-10 15:21:32




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