#1 2024-03-14 15:16:09

"I remember when I was in college, on my third or fourth acid trip, being just shocked and horrified that assholes who took psychedelics were assholes on psychedelics." - Douglas Rushkoff

I found this quote today... set me thinking about popular opinions that just taking psychedelics will alter a person to the good. Nice idea, but without the inner work, and being cognizant of one's actions...

Anyway, here is an older Substack that touches on this a bit.




#2 2024-03-14 23:22:39

True that; I asked, my first time, if it would make me different.  They said, no, it will make you more of whatever you already are.



#3 2024-03-15 18:11:08

That story is way too close a call for comfort.

Perfect fuel for the guru in you. The illusionary nature is both a blessing and a challenge. that sense of knowing, and knowing what's up included.

These fellows are entertaining and offer a sharp streetwise view.

DoseNation Aftermath 04 - Bad Actors
James Kent, Tye Miller, Hila, and Dave Nickels from the DMT Nexus and Plus Three Podcast, discuss bad actors and problematic people in the psychedelic scene.



#4 2024-03-17 17:01:10

The magic isn't in the medicine alone, and it isn't in the willingness or propensity to take it.  The medicine provides an opportunity.  The right person at the right time, and often in the right company, can take it to wonderous places.  The opposite can occur as well, and if you have a poisonous person or group, or the frame of mind is off, it can go very badly.

Many years ago I had a friend who had a propensity to enjoy putting people in uncomfortable situations and would push, hard, to get them to do things they truly did not want to do.  I tripped with him a few times, and once or twice it was delightful.  The other times it was rough.  I finally had to move along and leave him to his own (de)vices.  I came to think of him as a version of the proverbial "enemy disguised as a friend."



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