#1 2024-10-18 16:03:50

You don't say? Oh, so you have more, well then, let's hear it.

Unfortunately, there have been false reports that have been repeated by numerous, supposedly credible, news organizations that the state’s RFP was catered to one specific organization,” the statement said, noting that tailoring the request so that only one manufacturer’s Bible would qualify would be illegal.

The Bibles must be bound in “leather or leather-like material for durability,” according to the initial request.
Similar Bibles that don’t include the Declaration of Independence or Constitution are available online for less than $20.

Words cannot contain how evil it is to use religion and schools as your grift.

“As parents, my husband and I have sole responsibility to decide how and when our children learn about the Bible and religious teachings,” plaintiff Erika Wright, the founder of the Oklahoma Rural Schools Coalition and parent of two school-aged children, said in a statement. “It is not the role of any politician or public school official to intervene in these personal matters.”

Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2024-10-18 16:05:56)



#2 2024-10-18 19:06:01

Yeah fuck these guys and their Nationalist Xian version of Sharia. We were warned about this crap, and still the populace falls for it.  Margaret Atwood was a f'n prophet.



#3 2024-10-19 20:50:45

DmtDusty wrote:

Margaret Atwood was a f'n prophet.

For reals!  She first saw how the shit was hitting the fan back in 1985.

Atwood has said she modeled Tale on dystopian literature that gripped her as a youth, including George Orwell's 1984, and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. In a LitHub essay she wrote, “Once you've been intrigued by a literary form, you always have a secret yen to write an example of it yourself.”



#4 2024-10-20 13:44:20

When these guy's arguments begin to sound like the more cognizant, sane and sensible path to a fair and just society, you know the Xtian wingnuts have gained way too much power over people's lives.

The devil works hard, but the Republican party works harder.


The temple has also sued states that have banned abortion, arguing that abortion is a religious rite for their congregation and that denying them access to these ritual abortions would be a constitutional violation. The Idaho AG Responded

The Temple has named the initiative “The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic,” in reference to the conservative Justice who wrote the majority opinion that overturned the abortion rights case that had been the law of the land since 1973.

“In 1950, Samuel Alito’s mother did not have options, and look what happened,” said Malcolm Jarry, co-founder of The Satanic Temple.
“Prior to 1973, doctors who performed abortions could lose their licenses and go to jail. The clinic’s name serves to remind people just how important it is to have the right to control one’s body and the potential ramifications of losing that right,” he added.

All of this has had the desired effect of driving the satanists’ adversaries bonkers. The Christian Research Institute, an evangelical group, described the group as “troll lords” and said they were “exploiting their cartoonishly dark and villainous branding to agitate the public and pester the Christian Right into a judicial showdown”.


That showdown may be forthcoming because the Satanic Temple has just opened its second telehealth abortion clinic, this time in Virginia. It’s called the Right to Your Life Satanic Abortion Clinic. “We’re also actively working to increase access in other states, including taking legal action in restrictive states such as Indiana and Idaho to provide religious abortion services there as well,” the temple said in a statement. Truly, they are doing the Lord’s work.


Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2024-10-20 21:17:44)



#5 Yesterday 19:40:41

DmtDusty wrote:

Margaret Atwood was a f'n prophet.

Every time her writing is mirrored in meatspace, it compounds my discomfort.

Republican Attorneys General to Court: We Demand More Pregnant Teens

States exist to serve people, not the other way around. But in order for courts to hear a case, would-be plaintiffs need to show that they experienced an actual injury that the party they're suing caused, and that a court can fix. A personal dislike of somebody else taking medicine is not a legitimate grievance. So the states are trying to show that they are entitled to the population growth and accompanying funds that pregnant minors would produce, and the FDA is getting in the way of that. In my expert legal opinion, this is deeply gross and weird.

The ick factor only intensifies in some of the other arguments the Attorneys General make. The complaint also says that each of the states is "the legal parent or guardian of many minor girls of reproductive age"—a reference to girls in state custody, like foster care or juvenile detention. For those girls, they argue, the state is a stand-in for parents. And as parents, they claim, they have a right to consent to their children's medical care, which is apparently nullified if teen girls in foster care can "obtain abortion drugs online by mail all on their own." Under the state's theory, it can separate children from their actual parents, declare itself their father now, and deem a daughter's pregnancy her daddy's prerogative.



#6 Today 01:19:04

It feels more like we have moved into a Black Mirror show, or even worse.



#7 Today 10:59:33

These sick fuckers and their wet dreams of female domination.



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