#2 Yesterday 12:16:31

It seems retribution is the name of the game for this crop of politicians. But I don't think that is actually what they are after. Weaponization of the departments of government is not the end game, rather the game afoot is political favoritism, as a pay to play. Which works simultaneously coming and going. The favors, and the government's monies, will be doled out to those who play ball. Fealty is only the scheme, the madness to the method.

A pay to play notice has been slathered up very publicly the Dept of Defense and military. Trump advertised this widely during the campaign. Hesgeth is a shock to see happening in the here and now as his reaper. I will leave it to those more versed in what keeps a military functioning well to comment on the risks of such a move.

Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (Yesterday 20:57:34)



#3 Yesterday 12:32:32

I don't want to trivialize the seriousness of what Sarge posted, but since this page is a last bastion of the cruel world, and trivial petty, if lacking comparable cravenness is what we do, I offer up this spectacle at the official Commander in Chief's Ball.



#4 Today 03:45:17

Kinda surprised Melania didn't take another step back. I know I wouldn't want to be within that blood circle...



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