#2 2008-04-25 16:12:51

Red Bull contains ginseng, which like caffeine is known to raise blood pressure.  Drinking Red Bull everyday as if it were water couldn’t be a good thing.



#3 2008-04-25 16:20:20

Colleagues said they usually found at least four empty cans of Red Bull on site when he had been working.

Fuckin' slob.  He was probably well on his way to being shitcanned, then.  Way to beat a firing!



#4 2008-04-27 08:59:48

Worked late night at a supermarket and drank a pack of red bull everynight. He was probably stealing the stuff off the shelf.

I prefer bawls www.bawls.com



#5 2008-04-27 09:42:18

Bawls is pretty good, though it's best if you put a shot of raspberry Sky Rocket caffeinated syrup in it for the oh-so-potent RocketBawls.

Since I'm a big user of their automotive products, I've started drinking the energy drink from NOS.  It burns your throat something fierce, and I've been getting these black spots in my vision.  Also, my car has started running like CRAP lately.  I dunno what could be causing it.



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