#1 2008-05-20 20:23:35

Obviously a one-bagger.


Score one more for Pennsylvania.

Last edited by whosasailorthen (2008-05-20 20:25:18)



#2 2008-05-20 21:34:43

American prudery is pervasive, juvenile and highly revealing. Even many of you with enough brains to know better join the crowd and start flinging stones. You're as savage and repressed as the sand niggers you like to think you're better than.



#3 2008-05-20 21:51:58

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

American prudery is pervasive, juvenile and highly revealing. Even many of you with enough brains to know better join the crowd and start flinging stones. You're as savage and repressed as the sand niggers you like to think you're better than.

What crawled up your ass --  You wouldn't point and laugh at people who get too drunk to fuck without appearing to be public threats to their own safety, and then have to be hunted down by the cops because they wandered off naked and crazy? 




#4 2008-05-20 21:56:16

tits_matilda wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

American prudery is pervasive, juvenile and highly revealing. Even many of you with enough brains to know better join the crowd and start flinging stones. You're as savage and repressed as the sand niggers you like to think you're better than.

What crawled up your ass --  You wouldn't point and laugh at people who get too drunk to fuck without appearing to be public threats to their own safety, and then have to be hunted down by the cops because they wandered off naked and crazy? 


Point and laugh? Absolutely, Titsy. Call the police? I'll leave that to you sexually repressed Americans.



#5 2008-05-20 22:01:34

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Point and laugh? Absolutely, Titsy. Call the police? I'll leave that to you sexually repressed Americans.

We all know you by now for the Master Bai...um, yeah...that you are; but honestly, Wilbur, you must be playing dense with this.

A naked and shitfaced man is stumbling around your back yard.  You gonna round the guy up yourself?  You catch him, what you gonna do with him?  Personally, I wouldn't touch a naked, shitfaced stranger with a barge pole.

The police and other government employees get paid to do exactly this sort of thing.



#6 2008-05-20 22:15:24

George Orr wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Point and laugh? Absolutely, Titsy. Call the police? I'll leave that to you sexually repressed Americans.

We all know you by now for the Master Bai...um, yeah...that you are; but honestly, Wilbur, you must be playing dense with this.

A naked and shitfaced man is stumbling around your back yard.  You gonna round the guy up yourself?  You catch him, what you gonna do with him?  Personally, I wouldn't touch a naked, shitfaced stranger with a barge pole.

The police and other government employees get paid to do exactly this sort of thing.

Ramember the guy in my backyard?

He wasn't naked (or even conscious), so we woke him up at gunpoint and gave him some fabulous consolation prizes (snacks, soap, bottled water, etc.), and told him to go.

No police necessary



#7 2008-05-20 22:22:31

George Orr wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Point and laugh? Absolutely, Titsy. Call the police? I'll leave that to you sexually repressed Americans.

We all know you by now for the Master Bai...um, yeah...that you are; but honestly, Wilbur, you must be playing dense with this.

A naked and shitfaced man is stumbling around your back yard.  You gonna round the guy up yourself?  You catch him, what you gonna do with him?  Personally, I wouldn't touch a naked, shitfaced stranger with a barge pole.

The police and other government employees get paid to do exactly this sort of thing.

No baiting occurring at the moment, George. I grew up with hippies. Naked and shitfaced strangers stumbling around were part of the lifestyle. I'd ask the guy if he was okay, if he needed anything, and I'd help him out if his requests were reasonable. I wouldn't haul out old Betsy or call the police unless he was self-destructive or threatening. Maybe more caution is necessary in your neck of the woods, but it saddens me that you'd default to calling the cops. Calling the cops for anything other than dire need seems to me like an admission that we need Big Brother to micro-manage our lives.



#8 2008-05-20 22:30:09

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

George Orr wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Point and laugh? Absolutely, Titsy. Call the police? I'll leave that to you sexually repressed Americans.

We all know you by now for the Master Bai...um, yeah...that you are; but honestly, Wilbur, you must be playing dense with this.

A naked and shitfaced man is stumbling around your back yard.  You gonna round the guy up yourself?  You catch him, what you gonna do with him?  Personally, I wouldn't touch a naked, shitfaced stranger with a barge pole.

The police and other government employees get paid to do exactly this sort of thing.

No baiting occurring at the moment, George. I grew up with hippies. Naked and shitfaced strangers stumbling around were part of the lifestyle. I'd ask the guy if he was okay, if he needed anything, and I'd help him out if his requests were reasonable. I wouldn't haul out old Betsy or call the police unless he was self-destructive or threatening. Maybe more caution is necessary in your neck of the woods, but it saddens me that you'd default to calling the cops. Calling the cops for anything other than dire need seems to me like an admission that we need Big Brother to micro-manage our lives.

This happened near Pittsburgh - haven't you seen enough here to convince you that there's an entirely less predictable, more dangerous, pointlessly destructive kind of average asshole in Central and Western PA?



#9 2008-05-20 22:46:31

tits_matilda wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

George Orr wrote:

We all know you by now for the Master Bai...um, yeah...that you are; but honestly, Wilbur, you must be playing dense with this.

A naked and shitfaced man is stumbling around your back yard.  You gonna round the guy up yourself?  You catch him, what you gonna do with him?  Personally, I wouldn't touch a naked, shitfaced stranger with a barge pole.

The police and other government employees get paid to do exactly this sort of thing.

No baiting occurring at the moment, George. I grew up with hippies. Naked and shitfaced strangers stumbling around were part of the lifestyle. I'd ask the guy if he was okay, if he needed anything, and I'd help him out if his requests were reasonable. I wouldn't haul out old Betsy or call the police unless he was self-destructive or threatening. Maybe more caution is necessary in your neck of the woods, but it saddens me that you'd default to calling the cops. Calling the cops for anything other than dire need seems to me like an admission that we need Big Brother to micro-manage our lives.

This happened near Pittsburgh - haven't you seen enough here to convince you that there's an entirely less predictable, more dangerous, pointlessly destructive kind of average asshole in Central and Western PA?

I'm Canadian, Tits. We have a hard time believing how violent life is south of the border. Somehow you've brought it all on yourselves, and your tendency to start shooting or call the police probably makes things worse.



#10 2008-05-20 23:01:50

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

tits_matilda wrote:

This happened near Pittsburgh - haven't you seen enough here to convince you that there's an entirely less predictable, more dangerous, pointlessly destructive kind of average asshole in Central and Western PA?

I'm Canadian, Tits. We have a hard time believing how violent life is south of the border. Somehow you've brought it all on yourselves, and your tendency to start shooting or call the police probably makes things worse.

No, but it may be the fault of social programs that prevent Americans from dropping the worst of us down abandoned wells before we're big enough to fight back effectively.  I also blame Canada for booting/chasing some of the most violent Scottish immigrants south into the US rather than just killing them on the spot, including a group of my near-time ancestors who had to hot foot it out only to continue killing people with random farm implements when they settled in the states.



#11 2008-05-20 23:12:35

...your tendency to start shooting or call the police...

Here in Texas we gen'rally do both.

To my mind, "call the cops" doesn't always translate to "lock the bad man up."  Cops and other public servants are paid and trained to deal with these situations.  Guy's drunk or drugged, they take him to the drunk tank--or to the hospital if he's over the redline.  But maybe the guy's not drunk.  You probably know that a person in a diabetic crisis looks and acts like someone drunk.  Cops have training to help them tell the difference.  Or maybe Naked Guy is mentally ill or mentally disabled--in which case it's the cops' job to get him safely to his caretakers (or, again, to a hospital).

Big Brother, or My Tax Dollars At Work?  I expect one's politics and life experience (especially in relation to "the authorities") color one's perceptions.

Last edited by George Orr (2008-05-20 23:13:55)



#12 2008-05-20 23:36:26

tits_matilda wrote:

I also blame Canada for booting/chasing some of the most violent Scottish immigrants south into the US rather than just killing them on the spot, including a group of my near-time ancestors who had to hot foot it out only to continue killing people with random farm implements when they settled in the states.

Well sure...but we got a lot of your escaped negroes when you didn't bother to post sufficient guards around the plantations. Now you can't walk down the block without someone trying to shine your shoes.



#13 2008-05-20 23:47:50

George Orr wrote:

...your tendency to start shooting or call the police...

Here in Texas we gen'rally do both.

To my mind, "call the cops" doesn't always translate to "lock the bad man up."  Cops and other public servants are paid and trained to deal with these situations.  Guy's drunk or drugged, they take him to the drunk tank--or to the hospital if he's over the redline.  But maybe the guy's not drunk.  You probably know that a person in a diabetic crisis looks and acts like someone drunk.  Cops have training to help them tell the difference.  Or maybe Naked Guy is mentally ill or mentally disabled--in which case it's the cops' job to get him safely to his caretakers (or, again, to a hospital).

Big Brother, or My Tax Dollars At Work?  I expect one's politics and life experience (especially in relation to "the authorities") color one's perceptions.

I hear what you're saying, but I think it's still coming from within an American context. I'm simply not afraid of strangers. Never have been. Unless I feel actively threatened I act as though the person in question is a guest on my property. Many times as a kid I watched my mother confront odd ramblers with a polite: "Can I help you with anything?" Never saw anyone act less than civil in return. As for crazy people, I lived next to a psych hospital for four years, and frequently found them wandering through my kitchen (that's right, I don't lock my doors). Once I had to push a nutbar out the door, and I can understand why a woman, at that point, might want trained help. But all the rest of them left after some small amount of conversation. (Oddly, they almost all wanted a glass of water...probably to do with their meds.) But back to my thesis: it's different where you live, which is too bad.



#14 2008-05-21 07:49:30

Umm.. OK. 

So the guy's naked... where's he gonna hide the knife or gun that's gonna be a threat to me?  I think I can handle anything he could dish out in that condition. 

So, I agree, I wouldn't have called the cops either, and I live near a major US city where we've got LOTS of oddballs, so I know the risks. 

No, I think I would have called the wife to come look at him too, and we both would have got a good laugh out of it... then I probably would have asked him what the fuck he was doing there sans vêtements and how the hell he got that way, and if I were feeling particularly kindly I might even suggest I could help him out... but if he presented even the slightest sugestion that he was coping an attitude, I'd grab the camera and create a couple of memorable Kodak Moments®, right before I told him to get the fuck out of my woods.



#15 2008-05-21 08:31:06

I'm with Wilber on this one.  Why would you assume the worst?  Perhaps I would be on guard in getting close to the guy, but as long as he didn't have a gun and wasn't foaming at the mouth, I see no reason to call in the police right off.  I might offer him a piece of lingerie just to see how he reacts.  If the conversation did not go well, that could change of course.

Last edited by Fled (2008-05-21 08:31:41)



#16 2008-05-21 08:40:22

tits_matilda wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

George Orr wrote:

We all know you by now for the Master Bai...um, yeah...that you are; but honestly, Wilbur, you must be playing dense with this.

A naked and shitfaced man is stumbling around your back yard.  You gonna round the guy up yourself?  You catch him, what you gonna do with him?  Personally, I wouldn't touch a naked, shitfaced stranger with a barge pole.

The police and other government employees get paid to do exactly this sort of thing.

No baiting occurring at the moment, George. I grew up with hippies. Naked and shitfaced strangers stumbling around were part of the lifestyle. I'd ask the guy if he was okay, if he needed anything, and I'd help him out if his requests were reasonable. I wouldn't haul out old Betsy or call the police unless he was self-destructive or threatening. Maybe more caution is necessary in your neck of the woods, but it saddens me that you'd default to calling the cops. Calling the cops for anything other than dire need seems to me like an admission that we need Big Brother to micro-manage our lives.

This happened near Pittsburgh - haven't you seen enough here to convince you that there's an entirely less predictable, more dangerous, pointlessly destructive kind of average asshole in Central and Western PA?

Hey, I'm not pointlessly destructive.
Also, I'm sorry for walking around everyones yard naked but sometimes ya just gotta be free.



#17 2008-05-21 08:57:39

And don't forget about our award winning jails
With video.



#18 2008-05-21 09:14:12

Am I the only one who would have steered the two back together, shared around a bottle of hooch and made them go at it again, while I watched and took pictures for the NSFW thread, threatening them with arrest if they stopped?

Oh, OK, maybe it would just be me...



#19 2008-05-21 09:15:09


Last edited by MSG Tripps (2008-05-21 09:21:17)



#20 2008-05-22 02:01:35

Our heroine, sans bag:




#21 2008-05-22 08:49:24

whosasailorthen wrote:

Our heroine, sans bag:

Ugh.  My, how things have changed.




#22 2008-05-22 09:52:16

square wrote:

whosasailorthen wrote:

Our heroine, sans bag:

Ugh.  My, how things have changed.

http://www.wired.com/images/slideshow/2 … ardess.jpg

I'd like to drill 'em all.  On that Connie.



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