#1 2008-05-20 14:42:26
Now men will be nice to me again! Horf!
I just have to adjust my other expectations downward a bit:
#2 2008-05-20 15:09:30
I saw this really great documentary on relationships:
#3 2008-05-20 16:15:20
this is an actual show? thats just wrong...
#4 2008-05-20 17:36:46
orangeplus wrote:
I saw this really great documentary on relationships:
What a dumbfuck. Wonder if I can get his cell phone number...
#5 2008-05-21 08:19:07
Does all night long count if it's 11:59p to 12:01a? if so, I'm in.
Hi Tits
#6 2008-05-21 11:01:25
sierrabravo wrote:
this is an actual show? thats just wrong...
You have to see "Idiocracy." I think the future is doomed.
#7 2008-05-21 11:20:31
headkicker_girl wrote:
You have to see "Idiocracy." I think the future is doomed.
Holy meow, I think that may have just replaced Squidbillies and ATHF in my heavy rotation. Thanks!
Hey there, Bigcat. It's a trade-off between drug use and ability: My sense of time expands when I'm on ketamine, but that makes me more likely to slap my palms on the floor, hoot like an ape, and try to use calipers than to knock boots. I do not understand how people can dance on that drug.
#8 2008-05-21 18:26:49
headkicker_girl wrote:
I think the future is doomed.
G'way! Batin'!