#1 2008-09-11 21:45:19


I'm guessing a few of you will really like it, most won't care, and a few will get frustrated with it and take it out on me. At any rate, it's kept me occupied for a week.



#2 2008-09-11 22:38:42

I hate you...



#3 2008-09-12 00:28:35




#4 2008-09-12 01:12:17

I hate you too.

Got stopped at "Four Balls".




#5 2008-09-12 01:43:27

May you suffer a plague of pants bunnies for highlighting my mechanical ineptitude!



#6 2008-09-12 02:12:00

Fuck!  There's twenty minutes of my life I'll never get back.  Goddammit, I need to finish my lesson plans for next week.  Bastard.

Seriously, this is awesome.  I'm sending it to my physicist friend, and bookmarking it for my daughters--the oldest will be taking physics at some point, and the youngest loves mechanical things.  I was working under my Porsche while I was supposed to be "watching her" when she first started walking.  I stopped hearing her wander the garage, came out, and found her calmly sitting in the engine compartment, tracing the paths of the ignition wires from the distributor cap to the spark plugs...



#7 2008-09-12 04:15:07

I'm rather proud of this one - I completely ignored the obvious (the ball at the top of screen which is easily pushed into the gap) and created a monster from hell - I'm thinking about patents now, and extra-planetary exploration.....



#8 2008-09-12 07:00:32

My crowning achievement thus far has been a full-on, working trebuchet.



#9 2008-09-12 08:08:53

ah297900 wrote:

My crowning achievement thus far has been a full-on, working trebuchet.

Save & post, Ah-gasm.



#10 2008-09-12 08:20:14

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

ah297900 wrote:

My crowning achievement thus far has been a full-on, working trebuchet.

Save & post, Ah-gasm.

I'm trying to figure out if anyone can see my username if I post it.



#11 2008-09-12 08:32:14

I know, it's not a proper trebuchet (missing the string and bucket thing at the end of the throwing arm), but it's the best I could do given the small working space.


Also, check out the wiki:


The trigger and the monorail will blow your fucking mind.



#12 2008-09-12 08:47:24

I will not rest till I have my own.



#13 2008-09-12 09:05:57

My 11-y-o was addicted to this for some time. You should see some of the insane contraptions he came up with... He got me started on it and I had to quit after about 40 minutes... lol



#14 2008-09-12 10:01:58

To trouble your minds further, imagine the code behind this hellacious thing...


Last edited by shagnasty (2008-09-12 22:05:32)



#15 2008-09-12 18:05:30

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

I will not rest till I have my own.

You're impressed? Have I built a bridge with a trebuchet?



#16 2008-09-12 21:47:32

Damn, after two hours I've reached and am stuck on 18.  I sure some sort of scissors action will do it.



#17 2008-09-13 00:46:20

hedgewizard wrote:

Damn, after two hours I've reached and am stuck on 18.  I sure some sort of scissors action will do it.

Hang a weight down in the middle such that the force of gravity pushes the climbing wheels outwards. Or you could use a powered wheel in the middle with rods pinned to the top and bottom of the outer circumference such that they push the climbing wheels into the walls.



#18 2008-09-13 03:42:50

ah297900 wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

I will not rest till I have my own.

You're impressed? Have I built a bridge with a trebuchet?

Sorry - I don't do hugs. But I do like the game - and your trebuchet is impressive.

Last edited by WilberCuntLicker (2008-09-13 03:43:27)



#19 2008-09-14 01:42:30

We have kindred souls over there: http://fantasticcontraption.com/?designId=320457



#20 2008-09-15 13:33:56

ah297900 wrote:

Hang a weight down in the middle such that the force of gravity pushes the climbing wheels outwards. Or you could use a powered wheel in the middle with rods pinned to the top and bottom of the outer circumference such that they push the climbing wheels into the walls.

Tried several of those, mine all twisted.  When I laid down that night a triangle solution hit me.  It only involved seven pieces and went up like a champ.  Now that i've finished it I just have to decide if wasting more time doing things diferently is better than digging up the broken sprinkler line.



#21 2008-09-15 13:36:21

hedgewizard wrote:

ah297900 wrote:

Hang a weight down in the middle such that the force of gravity pushes the climbing wheels outwards. Or you could use a powered wheel in the middle with rods pinned to the top and bottom of the outer circumference such that they push the climbing wheels into the walls.

Tried several of those, mine all twisted.  When I laid down that night a triangle solution hit me.  It only involved seven pieces and went up like a champ.  Now that i've finished it I just have to decide if wasting more time doing things diferently is better than digging up the broken sprinkler line.

Fuck sprinkler. Post solution nao.



#22 2008-09-15 14:37:27

Fucking awesome. Thanks ah78676548



#23 2008-09-15 20:25:50

ah297900 wrote:

Fuck sprinkler. Post solution nao.

I'll have to do it again.  Didn't bother registering until just now.  Here's one to hold you until I can get to it.  It's way too complicated.




Last edited by hedgewizard (2008-09-15 20:48:23)



#24 2008-09-16 08:29:08

hedgewizard wrote:

ah297900 wrote:

Fuck sprinkler. Post solution nao.

I'll have to do it again.  Didn't bother registering until just now.  Here's one to hold you until I can get to it.  It's way too complicated.




Nice--I swear I saw somebody's contraption that managed to throw it straight up into the target without touching the walls. Maybe I'll do that today in lieu of work.



#25 2008-09-16 12:34:04

ah297900 wrote:

Nice--I swear I saw somebody's contraption that managed to throw it straight up into the target without touching the walls. Maybe I'll do that today in lieu of work.

I found you can exert enough force to break things today:


I really need to go dig up the sprinklers and fix the pipe.  Manana.



#26 2008-09-19 22:30:34

There's some upper limit on the number of parts you can use.  It's prolly in the instructions someplace if I cared enough to read them.  I can land on mars, but I can't figure out how to move the whole machine over.




#27 2008-09-19 22:41:05

Here's my #18.
I love this game...I think I'll shell out the $10.



#28 2008-09-19 22:44:50

hedgewizard wrote:

There's some upper limit on the number of parts you can use.  It's prolly in the instructions someplace if I cared enough to read them.  I can land on mars, but I can't figure out how to move the whole machine over.


Nice one - makes mine look a little dull in comparison.



#29 2008-09-19 23:33:37

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

hedgewizard wrote:

There's some upper limit on the number of parts you can use.  It's prolly in the instructions someplace if I cared enough to read them.  I can land on mars, but I can't figure out how to move the whole machine over.


Nice one - makes mine look a little dull in comparison.

None of you fuckers can match the POWER of my trebuchet.

Edit--I'm hammered.

Last edited by ah297900 (2008-09-19 23:34:02)



#30 2008-09-20 03:53:45

ah297900 wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

hedgewizard wrote:

There's some upper limit on the number of parts you can use.  It's prolly in the instructions someplace if I cared enough to read them.  I can land on mars, but I can't figure out how to move the whole machine over.


Nice one - makes mine look a little dull in comparison.

None of you fuckers can match the POWER of my trebuchet.

Edit--I'm hammered.

Listen you malleable interjection (anyone get that? any other insect fanciers out there?), gloating in glory's gloam is punishable by antisocial ostrich(ism) - got that Podex? Your trebuchet is tres bon (let's say), but rementioning is not, no matter how you cauterize that ancient and appropriate inhibition. If that's all you're packing, you fat ugly lesbian, stick to fairy engineering cuz there's no pot of rainbows in your golden futuristic. Now shut up and pass the bottle, and the joint...and gimme a couple of those pills...the white ones...I don't do the blues....



#31 2008-09-20 14:45:39

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Nice one - makes mine look a little dull in comparison.

That's a solution I hadn't thought of.  I've solved Big Ball a few ways, but I like this one because it's complicated and goes over the ball instead of under.




#33 2008-09-21 13:32:42

hedgewizard wrote:

Don't lose your balls:


I made one of those, then felt cheap and made one of these:


It takes about 15  minutes but it gets there.



#34 2008-09-21 17:17:52

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

hedgewizard wrote:

Don't lose your balls:


I made one of those, then felt cheap and made one of these:


It takes about 15  minutes but it gets there.

Three levels makes it slow.  All the balls have to go higher to get over your vehicle or be pushed up the hill.  If you connect the drive wheels it speeds up considerably. 


My contraptions, like that, where all two levels of wheels.  No patience. 
I don't know if we should thank ah297900 or curse him.



#35 2008-09-21 17:33:07

hedgewizard wrote:

I don't know if we should thank ah297900 or curse him.

It'll wear off in a couple weeks or so. First, you'll gradually stop seeing the world operate as a series of wheels and sticks.

Last edited by ah297900 (2008-09-21 17:34:06)



#36 2008-09-21 19:58:28

ah297900 wrote:

hedgewizard wrote:

I don't know if we should thank ah297900 or curse him.

It'll wear off in a couple weeks or so. First, you'll gradually stop seeing the world operate as a series of wheels and sticks.

Unlike Lurker I never saw the world as a series of balls and sticks.  Thank you, don't forget to tip the wait staff, I'll be here all week.




#37 2008-09-21 23:53:46

hedgewizard wrote:

ah297900 wrote:

hedgewizard wrote:

I don't know if we should thank ah297900 or curse him.

It'll wear off in a couple weeks or so. First, you'll gradually stop seeing the world operate as a series of wheels and sticks.

Unlike Lurker I never saw the world as a series of balls and sticks.  Thank you, don't forget to tip the wait staff, I'll be here all week.


Sprung for the 10 bucks, eh? The extra levels are low on elegance and high on high on tweaking and luck.

Is it just the three of us still playing this thing?



#38 2008-09-22 01:45:42

No idea...but I am certain now that I've designed myself to seek out optimally inelegant solutions. Good thing I'm not an engine's ear.



#39 2008-09-22 10:09:53

ah297900 wrote:

Sprung for the 10 bucks, eh? The extra levels are low on elegance and high on high on tweaking and luck.

Is it just the three of us still playing this thing?

No, that's one of the original levels.  That one uses all the parts the game allows.  I'm trying to figure out how to clear the whole junkyard, including the bottom level.  If I can't do it, maybe I'll build a walking machine.



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