#1 2008-10-09 19:19:56

The end draws nigh.

[Fuckin' Ryan Seacrest] tells Access Hollywood, "Paris and I are developing a scripted series. And she wants to have fun with that. So I think that this is a very clever show.

"Paris is going to star in it. Paris is going to play a very clever and funny Paris Hilton. Some of things that she encounters are really interesting. And if we pepper in a little bit of script, I think it's going to be very funny." (source)

I note how he's careful to say she's going to "play" a clever and funny version of herself, as if it is popularly acknowledged that such a role would, indeed, be acting.



#2 2008-10-10 10:04:20

It's like real Paris, except with writers to make her interesting and none of the trouble of supporting your own entourage. I am still trying to figure out what Ryan Seacrest's job is? Panty tester?



#3 2008-10-10 12:38:46

Seacrest is a whole other ball o' wax. From what my friends in LA tell me, he's ubiquity, itself. On the radio, on the TV, making "appearances" in various places. I find him singularly unattractive (he reminds me of a lizard), and untalented, as if he had a "talent" to begin with. One still has to give either him or his agents props for parlaying the AI gig into the kind of power that can even suggest a series with Hilton. After all, we're not hearing about this sort of thing from Brian Dunkleman (who!?).



#4 2008-10-10 13:10:27

OK, I know neither Seacrest or Dunkleman, but I am deeply grateful for the update on Paris Hilton. I just can't seem to get enough, you know?



#5 2008-10-10 13:16:13

Taint wrote:

OK, I know neither Seacrest or Dunkleman, but I am deeply grateful for the update on Paris Hilton. I just can't seem to get enough, you know?

It's because there isn't enought there.

Actually, I don't know who Seacrest is either.  Sounds like a boat or maybe toothpaste.

Dunkleman sounds like a proctologist.



#6 2008-10-10 13:49:12

Fled wrote:

Taint wrote:

OK, I know neither Seacrest or Dunkleman, but I am deeply grateful for the update on Paris Hilton. I just can't seem to get enough, you know?

It's because there isn't enought there.

Actually, I don't know who Seacrest is either.  Sounds like a boat or maybe toothpaste.

Dunkleman sounds like a proctologist.

All correct!

Stop being a squodge, Taint. Play the fun game. You know you just wanna relax your brain til it dribbles out your ear.



#7 2008-10-10 14:01:00

I have my brain-relaxing moments. For example, the reason I don't own a television isn't because I find network programming beneath my standards: au contraire! The reason I don't own a television is because I will watch drivel for hours on end. "Three's Company" weekend marathon? I'm there! Slasher flicks on Fearnet? I'm all over it! Anything on Spike? Count me in!

My taste in television is appallingly bad. I am forced by own weakness to aspire to the higher pursuits.



#8 2008-10-10 14:39:47

Taint wrote:

I am forced by own weakness to aspire to the higher pursuits.

Then don't condemn the PH reportage out of hand. It's not like I have any plans to watch the thing either. I'm just footnoting the end of civilized existence. Barring that, the end of existence that doesn't include PH on the screen for half an hour every week after "How I Met Your Mother" or "Prison Break." TV already sucks so bad without her on it.

Remember, with basic cable, there's always a Law 'n' Order ep on for you somewhere.



#9 2008-10-10 16:50:07

This thread sucks, and pENIx sucks for starting it.
I retaliate the only way I know how.



#10 2008-10-10 17:00:46

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

This thread sucks, and pENIx sucks for starting it.
I retaliate the only way I know how.

Is that yo mama giving birth to you or is that the most disgusting prolapse of a vagina ever seen?



#11 2008-10-10 17:07:02

shagnasty wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

This thread sucks, and pENIx sucks for starting it.
I retaliate the only way I know how.

Is that yo mama giving birth to you or is that the most disgusting prolapse of a vagina ever seen?

Nah - my head's not that pointy. I think it's pENIx's mom sticking her tongue out the long way.



#12 2008-10-10 17:16:46

shagnasty wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

This thread sucks, and pENIx sucks for starting it.
I retaliate the only way I know how.

Is that yo mama giving birth to you or is that the most disgusting prolapse of a vagina ever seen?

Your mom's so ugly she gave birth to you.



#13 2008-10-10 17:26:17

jesusluvspegging wrote:

shagnasty wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

This thread sucks, and pENIx sucks for starting it.
I retaliate the only way I know how.

Is that yo mama giving birth to you or is that the most disgusting prolapse of a vagina ever seen?

Your mom's so ugly she gave birth to you.

It is a frequent irony of nature for extremely ugly mamas to squirt out adorable crotch fruit...
How about yours?



#14 2008-10-10 17:31:27

shagnasty wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

shagnasty wrote:

Is that yo mama giving birth to you or is that the most disgusting prolapse of a vagina ever seen?

Your mom's so ugly she gave birth to you.

It is a frequent irony of nature for extremely ugly mamas to squirt out adorable crotch fruit...
How about yours?

My mom's so fat that yours thought she was a pimple and squeezed her.  Momma's dead now.



#15 2008-10-10 17:35:16

jesusluvspegging wrote:

shagnasty wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Your mom's so ugly she gave birth to you.

It is a frequent irony of nature for extremely ugly mamas to squirt out adorable crotch fruit...
How about yours?

My mom's so fat that yours thought she was a pimple and squeezed her.  Momma's dead now.

Justified homocide... a pox on fatties...



#16 2008-10-10 17:36:45

shagnasty wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

shagnasty wrote:

It is a frequent irony of nature for extremely ugly mamas to squirt out adorable crotch fruit...
How about yours?

My mom's so fat that yours thought she was a pimple and squeezed her.  Momma's dead now.

Justified homocide... a pox on fatties...

Right.  I'll have to stop implying the punchlines, and maybe use smaller words.

Excuse me, I'm gonna go drink until I can insult you on your level.



#17 2008-10-10 17:51:43

jesusluvspegging wrote:

shagnasty wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

My mom's so fat that yours thought she was a pimple and squeezed her.  Momma's dead now.

Justified homocide... a pox on fatties...

Right.  I'll have to stop implying the punchlines, and maybe use smaller words.

Excuse me, I'm gonna go drink until I can insult you on your level.

Please do - I've started without you. Oh and mama's not pleased...




#18 2008-10-10 18:01:17

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

I think it's pENIx's mom sticking her tongue out the long way.

I think it's yer dad's balls, dear.

Predictably, however, your next thread about nearly anything will be crapped on for no reason and with no better substitute.



#19 2008-10-10 18:04:04

pALEPHx wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

I think it's pENIx's mom sticking her tongue out the long way.

I think it's yer dad's balls, dear.

Predictably, however, your next thread about nearly anything will be crapped on for no reason and with no better substitute.

I would expect no less - but in truth, the prolapsed cunt was at least 6.4X better than the original thread topic. Really.



#20 2008-10-10 21:25:11

shagnasty wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

shagnasty wrote:

Justified homocide... a pox on fatties...

Right.  I'll have to stop implying the punchlines, and maybe use smaller words.

Excuse me, I'm gonna go drink until I can insult you on your level.

Please do - I've started without you. Oh and mama's not pleased...


I believe that might be Papa.



#21 2008-10-10 22:44:40

pALEPHx wrote:

Then don't condemn the PH reportage out of hand.

Who was condemning it? There's only one source of celebrity gossip I enjoy, perversely, and that's Paris Hilton. She reminds me that no matter how miserable my own life might be, at least I'm not her. When I see PH headlines, I go straight for 'em.

Remember, with basic cable, there's always a Law 'n' Order ep on for you somewhere.

I've never seen it, but I did watch an entire weekend marathon of Scrubs on Comedy Central a couple of years ago.



#22 2008-10-11 03:03:53

Have you two considered sexual reorientation?
It might help with the media-crap cravings.



#23 2008-10-11 03:19:47

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Have you two considered sexual reorientation?
It might help with the media-crap cravings.

Can't say that I have. Has that been an issue for you?



#24 2008-10-11 03:36:35

No, I wouldn't say your media-crap cravings have been an issue for me, Taint. pENIx's have, to a somewhat greater degree - he did, as you may remember, start this thread (for example). I think that postings about pop stars are probably big over at Chimere, and he forgets sometimes that High-Street is only a homo site to the degree that you, he and icangetyousometoejam are gay. (Interesting that we don't have any lesbians, other than karenw.) And don't get me wrong, it can be interesting to read your discussions on the exoteric and esoteric rites of homosexuality, but really, postings about celebrities are infra dignitatis and a horror to the eyes, unless, I guess, you're into the man-to-man bum-fiddley.



#25 2008-10-11 03:52:55

Ah, I keep forgetting how tender your sensibilities are; I shall endeavor to weigh my postings out of consideration for your sensitive tastes.

Speaking of which, did you try the baked squash recipe?



#26 2008-10-11 09:23:24

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

postings about celebrities are infra dignitatis and a horror to the eyes

Do you often answer your own questions?



#27 2008-10-11 13:49:14

Taint wrote:

Ah, I keep forgetting how tender your sensibilities are; I shall endeavor to weigh my postings out of consideration for your sensitive tastes.

Speaking of which, did you try the baked squash recipe?

Not yet - but tomorrow is our Dead Turkey Day, and dear old maw has asked for help with the vegetablarian side of the festivities. I volunteered a squash dish...so I'm on the hook and going for it. Now where the fuck did you hide that recipe? I hate how little help the search function gives in this joint. For instance, when I plug in "fatuous & dull," it should show me every one of pENIx's posts, with at least the first five words. Orange? Square? How about making us a search that truly satisfies?



#28 2008-10-11 14:44:42

2 butternut squashes, peeled and cut into 1” dice
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp olive oil
½  tbsp red wine vinegar
½  tsp cumin
½ tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp cayenne
Salt and pepper to taste
¼ cup almonds, sliced and toasted
2 tbsp mint, cut into chiffonade

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

    * In a small sauce pan, mix the honey, vinegar and spices together, and then whisk in the olive oil so that it emulsifies. Bring to a boil, and then remove from the heat and allow to cool until the mixture is comfortable to the touch.
    * In a large mixing bowl, pour the liquid over the cubes of squash, and then add salt and pepper to taste, tossing the squash cubes until they’re thoroughly coated with the liquid.
    * Spread on a baking sheet large enough - or two sheets - to accommodate the squash in a single layer and then bake for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until browned at the edges.
    * When the squash is done, sprinkle the almonds and mint over the vegetable and toss until all the ingredients are well distributed. Serve at room temperature



#29 2008-10-11 14:49:09

Taint wrote:

2 butternut squashes, p

Thank you!



#30 2008-10-11 14:54:32

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Taint wrote:

2 butternut squashes, p

Thank you!

That's like, an S&M thing, right?



#31 2008-10-11 15:05:14

tojo2000 wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Taint wrote:

2 butternut squashes, p

Thank you!

That's like, an S&M thing, right?

Depends: what are you using to dice the squash?



#32 2008-10-11 15:05:23

tojo2000 wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Taint wrote:

2 butternut squashes, p

Thank you!

That's like, an S&M thing, right?

God...I hope not...I'm serving this to family....



#33 2008-10-11 17:56:28

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

For instance, when I plug in "fatuous & dull," it should show me every one of pENIx's posts, with at least the first five words.

And when I put in "sesquipedalian pedantry," it should give me all of yours, you sesquipedo.



#34 2008-10-11 18:08:59

is a sasquapedo some relative of Pedobear?



#35 2008-10-11 19:26:05

jesusluvspegging wrote:

is a sasquapedo some relative of Pedobear?
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/227/4724 … 1b.jpg?v=0

Yes, their distant cousin. A big, hairy, bipedal ape that drops fifty-dollar words at every available opportunity, to prove how smart it is. Because proof is important when you're dealing with a faceless community of people who mildly loathe you on principle. Alternatively, Sesquipedobear only molests spelling bee winners.



#36 2008-10-11 19:48:31

pALEPHx wrote:

Yes, their distant cousin. A big, hairy, bipedal ape that drops fifty-dollar words at every available opportunity, to prove how smart it is. Because proof is important when you're dealing with a faceless community of people who mildly loathe you on principle. Alternatively, Sesquipedobear only molests spelling bee winners.

Much obliged to you for clearing that up.



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