#51 2008-10-18 11:32:06




#52 2008-10-18 11:58:32




#53 2008-10-18 12:01:50

And Dirckman's outta there - knocked unconscious by the Yellow Menace! And the crowd is booing him out of the ring! And by the look of Japanese groin sweat on his chin, Dirckman's fighting days are over!



#54 2008-10-18 14:59:34

Yea, those Japanese fellers may be little, but they're quick......



#55 2008-10-18 17:16:34

Yep, that Beehotch sure is divisive.

It seems every day I'm spending more time clinging to my Bible and guns out of fear for our future.

How come nobody has gotten this attention whore to show her tits yet? What is wrong with you people? Does it take post surgical scars to really get you motivated to drag a pic out of someone.

Sick fucks.

Show them your hysterectomy scar, Molly. That's plenty of fapping material for them....



#56 2008-10-18 17:19:46

Ptah, behave.



#57 2008-10-18 20:07:07

Dmtdust wrote:

Ptah, behave.

Of all the slap-downs I've gotten over the years, why is this simple one actually working?

OH YEAH GO Janice Joplin with the Souther Comfort on the picture to the right!

I loves me some Janice.

Where's Molly's episiotomy shot? Why do they highlight episiotomy when I spalled it write the furst time!?!? I know my otomy's and my ecotmy's, dammit...!



#58 2008-10-18 20:23:04

According to Eli Davidson, taken from the Huff Post

"The hair on the back of my neck stands up straight as a Polar bear looking for her cub anytime I hear Sarah talkin'. How dare she whip up hatred based on unfounded lies when she tells so many lies herself? I yelped with glee when the bipartisan commission found her guilty of abusing her power. I watched Keith Olberman's show 3 extra times just to gloat. Ha! They are widening their investigation of her. All along I have been saying that she was unqualified, and I love that the Republican pundits want her off the ticket. Impeachment isn't good enough for Sarah. I want to send her to that little island so that she can look at Russia all day long. This isn't a side of myself that I am used to seeing.

My reactions to her are so vehement that they leap out before I know it."

Wish that mean an end to Fascism........ just wish upon a star and everything will be alright.  Fascism rises and 60%of Americans think we are diving into a depression.



#60 2008-10-18 20:58:27

Molly Bloom wrote:

According to Eli Davidson, taken from the Huff Post

"The hair on the back of my neck stands up straight as a Polar bear looking for her cub anytime I hear Sarah talkin'. How dare she whip up hatred based on unfounded lies when she tells so many lies herself? I yelped with glee when the bipartisan commission found her guilty of abusing her power. I watched Keith Olberman's show 3 extra times just to gloat. Ha! They are widening their investigation of her. All along I have been saying that she was unqualified, and I love that the Republican pundits want her off the ticket. Impeachment isn't good enough for Sarah. I want to send her to that little island so that she can look at Russia all day long. This isn't a side of myself that I am used to seeing.

My reactions to her are so vehement that they leap out before I know it."

Wish that mean an end to Fascism........ just wish upon a star and everything will be alright.  Fascism rises and 60%of Americans think we are diving into a depression.

A bi gezunt, alter cocker.



#61 2008-10-18 21:00:11

Well, I just got a bit of a surprise.

I was about to post with a nasty-coated-in-nice* exhortation to stop misusing the word fascism.  My nutshell understanding of fascism is that it is a system that subjugates the individual for the benefit of the state...

...so I go to good ole Wikipedia and find this:

Fascism is a totalitarian and nationalist ideology...It is primarily concerned with perceived problems associated with cultural, economic, political, and social decline or decadence, and which seeks to solve such problems by achieving a millenarian national rebirth by exalting the nation,...promoting the territorial defense or expansion of a nation through a constant state of military preparedness and promotion of militarism as well as promoting cults of unity, strength and purity.

(I went and checked dictionary.com for a second opinion and they say roughly the same thing.)

Holy shit.  Not only was I wrong, and Molly right, but the McCain campaign is essentially running on a fascist agenda and I never realized it until now.

The word has been misused and abused for so long, especially on the internet, that I hope I can be forgiven.  You only have to listen to a Sarah Palin speech to know it is not being misused in this instance.

*A Southern specialty, especially among females.



#62 2008-10-18 21:22:35

George Orr wrote:

*A Southern specialty, especially among females.

Bless yer heart.



#63 2008-10-18 21:35:32

George Orr wrote:

Well, I just got a bit of a surprise.

I was about to post with a nasty-coated-in-nice* exhortation to stop misusing the word fascism.  My nutshell understanding of fascism is that it is a system that subjugates the individual for the benefit of the state...

...so I go to good ole Wikipedia and find this:

Fascism is a totalitarian and nationalist ideology...It is primarily concerned with perceived problems associated with cultural, economic, political, and social decline or decadence, and which seeks to solve such problems by achieving a millenarian national rebirth by exalting the nation,...promoting the territorial defense or expansion of a nation through a constant state of military preparedness and promotion of militarism as well as promoting cults of unity, strength and purity.

(I went and checked dictionary.com for a second opinion and they say roughly the same thing.)

Holy shit.  Not only was I wrong, and Molly right, but the McCain campaign is essentially running on a fascist agenda and I never realized it until now.

The word has been misused and abused for so long, especially on the internet, that I hope I can be forgiven.  You only have to listen to a Sarah Palin speech to know it is not being misused in this instance.

*A Southern specialty, especially among females.

It's not just Palin. America has always reeked of fascistic tendencies. The way you hunt witches, the way you venerate your flag, the pledge of allegiance, the segregation of race, the prudish attempt to control drugs and sexuality; all these signs have been part of you forever. The immediate problem is that on average, North Americans are becoming increasingly stupid, for a bunch of reasons that are peripheral to this solliloquy. Add that to economic woes and immigration influx and oh boy what a surprise - there's a plan a-foot to swasktikize those 50 stars.



#64 2008-10-18 21:44:02

I declare swasktikize to be a perfectly cremulent word.  It is hereby added to the Great Lexicon.



#65 2008-10-18 22:11:03

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

A bi gezunt, alter cocker.

Shtup zikh nit veh men darf nit.



#66 2008-10-18 22:11:47

that definition is so bland and unspecific, if the totalitarian or militarism aspects were removed, it can be applied to almost any social movement  that advocates change (and most religious movements as well.)

We are worlds away from totalitarianism and our militarism, while suspect, does not come anywhere close to a classic "fascist" or to many regimes that exist now. The problem here is that fascism is an historic term. It existed for around 20-30 years follwing the end of World War 1. It has not, nor can it exist in that form since 1945 (Franco was never an actual "Fascist", he was a conservative military strongman of the type immemorial.)  Hell, I can find you Italians who'll tell you that the Nazi's weren't acutal fascists, rather national socialist.

It's a dumb-fuck arguement, even for politics. Godwin pisses on you from a great height. I can't believe this twit comes into the forum and the first thing she does is start a thread to say, "those guys are filled evil and fail, my people are filled sugar and glitter, who's with me?" is enough to make me place a piece of cardboard in the bottom of my toilet marked "Molly Bloom is a Commie." I'll wait until I've eaten at Puerto Alegra taqueria so I can fully enjoy the experience.

That's just what we need around here, another slogan-bot idiot.



#67 2008-10-18 23:39:02

So I just watched the opening of SNL, and I didn't think it was very clever. I'm surprised to have seen Alec Baldwin make nice with Palin, even for pretend -- especially considering the way he derided her on "Real Time" a couple of weeks ago.

I guess they can't call her a dumb cunt on live TV, but THAT would have made me laugh.



#68 2008-10-19 01:23:47

Just An-Other Ass-Hole wrote:

We are all patriotic, we all love this country.

So, what - I'm the only anti-Capitalist, Marxist remaining?  Fuck me to . . .

Dirckman wrote:

I think before we pressure Molly into exposing her breasts to us we should first ascertain whether or not she is eye bleach material....

Eh, if she has a decent enough ass, it won't much matter.  Do you recall how many drooled over the marinara girl?



#69 2008-10-19 01:52:40


yer not alone.



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