#2 2008-10-19 19:55:04
Fox News had it pegged when he was spotted dancing with those people in Europe recently.
Last edited by tojo2000 (2008-10-19 19:55:15)
#3 2008-10-19 22:00:26
I’m not surprised that Powell endorsed Obama. I would like to believe he was lied to using the same falsified intelligence that was used to dupe the congress. He was then persuaded to do a Stepin Fetchit performance before the UN General Assembly. After his tap dance number persuaded many countries to go along with our invasion and grab of Iraqi oil, Powell was tossed into the trash like a used tampon.
This performance cost Powell his honor and any chance of winning an elective office. Before he was cynically used like toilet paper to advance Shrub’s asshole agenda, he was highly regarded. He could have become a govenor, senator, or even won the Republican presidential primary. Endorsing Obama is a thinly veiled FUCK YOU to the people who betrayed their House Quadroon.
#4 2008-10-19 22:21:35
I heartily concur. I've always said that Cheney & Co. made him their Uncle Tom and then cast him aside, and I, too, was pleased to see his (belated) response to this treatment. The man also gets three cheers for bringing up the "Muslims are Americans too" argument, which shouldn't even be an issue but has remained an unspoken assertion for the past 2+ weeks.
#5 2008-10-20 07:55:42
karenw wrote:
I heartily concur. I've always said that Cheney & Co. made him their Uncle Tom and then cast him aside, and I, too, was pleased to see his (belated) response to this treatment.
He was an aspiring house nigger way be-fore the Bush administration. Let's not fore-get his false testimony regarding My Lai.
#6 2008-10-20 11:36:44
I like his claim that, "it's not about race". How many liberal white politicians has he supported in the past?
#7 2008-10-20 12:14:49
Wow, a direct quote from Rush Limbaugh. Thanks Phwedd, now I really know.
#8 2008-10-20 12:26:36
Think before you type, Phred, lest you invariably play the fool. The damge contol is already in full stride.
#9 2008-10-20 12:59:15
Decadence wrote:
karenw wrote:
I heartily concur. I've always said that Cheney & Co. made him their Uncle Tom and then cast him aside, and I, too, was pleased to see his (belated) response to this treatment.
He was an aspiring house nigger way be-fore the Bush administration. Let's not fore-get his false testimony regarding My Lai.
There is not an ass that man won't kiss.
And leave us not forget what his wardrobe-malfunctioned cunt son did to the fcc.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#10 2008-10-20 13:37:13
Dmtdust wrote:
Wow, a direct quote from Rush Limbaugh. Thanks Phwedd, now I really know.
Not this time. The endorsement came in over the weekend, and I haven't listened to Rush today. However, it's nice to know that you have. Maybe he can enlighten you.
#11 2008-10-20 13:42:14
phreddy wrote:
Dmtdust wrote:
Wow, a direct quote from Rush Limbaugh. Thanks Phwedd, now I really know.
Not this time. The endorsement came in over the weekend, and I haven't listened to Rush today. However, it's nice to know that you have. Maybe he can enlighten you.
#12 2008-10-20 13:45:00
I've listened to him, and all I hear is an idiot blathering.
#13 2008-10-20 15:13:19
Fill in the missing letters
Rush Limbaugh is to political commentary like
WW_ is to professional sports
#14 2008-10-20 15:13:21
Dmtdust wrote:
I've listened to him, and all I hear is an idiot blathering.
That's more than he hears through his blasted out junkie ears.
#15 2008-10-20 15:27:01
Oh man, I'm getting a chub just reading through this stuff, man. It' like old times or something. My Gawd, what was I THINKING by staying away from my Cruel pretties for so long? Phreddy, how perfectly, cuntsquisitely yourSELF you've been today. It makes me weep tears of joy. Add to that fnord's quasi-reasoned bigotry, George Orr's spartan commentary and Lad's pusscake links, and it all amounts to a heady, frothing brew of yellow and semi-oily GHL.
Oh me oh my, but why oh why did I leave you all on yer lonesomes for so very long?! --And here we have an election to deal with, and so much old ground to cover, too.
Welcome me back, GANG. It is .... (wait for it )
( ... it's coming, be patient )
#16 2008-10-20 15:30:19
I welcome you tovarich, this place is in dire need of a bile transfusion
#17 2008-10-20 15:37:22
Umm, I can't believe I'm still seeing idiots from the left claim "we went in to steal all that Iraqi oil"?
Man, and I thought you liberals were dumb as hell, before.
Can you please show me where we've stolen all this oil? Where are we hiding it, under the sofa?
It's just damn scary that about 50% of the people in this country are this dense.
At least horse is back. He may be a an ignorant liberal, too, but at least he's more clever than most of you.
Last edited by ptah13 (2008-10-20 15:38:12)
#18 2008-10-20 15:44:06
ptah13 wrote:
Umm, I can't believe I'm still seeing idiots from the left claim "we went in to steal all that Iraqi oil"?
Man, and I thought you liberals were dumb as hell, before.
Can you please show me where we've stolen all this oil? Where are we hiding it, under the sofa?
It's just damn scary that about 50% of the people in this country are this dense.
At least horse is back. He may be a an ignorant liberal, too, but at least he's more clever than most of you.
Ptah, getting the oil was a reason for going in, and not a secret one. Don't you remember that their oil was going to pay for the war? The only reason why we don't have it now is because we fucked up so bad. We were thaaaaat close to getting contracts to American companies for the Iraqi oil last year when they finally had enough and pulled out at the last minute. Stealing? That may be hyperbole, but we definitely went in their to exploit their oil for our gain.
#19 2008-10-20 15:54:50
choad wrote:
And leave us not forget what his wardrobe-malfunctioned cunt son did to the fcc.
Don't get me started on the fucking FCC and their impossible to obtain LPFM broadcast licenses.
#20 2008-10-20 16:05:15
Folks, folks. With all due respeck for ptah, I don't think that anyone, left or right, is even concerned about the oil part of the equation any more. But if you want to pit right against left, I am quite certain that cocksuckers on both sides of the aisle we're salivating over the prospects of all that oil, and that at some point we'd all be enriched and nourished by all that black tar, viscous texas-tea "shootin up some food / bubblin' crude" waxed-ebonical Horsey luv.
Liberals declaring that we only went in for the oil are actually idealists, if you can grasp that. They are dreamers, wishing that it were so, so that at *least* we could declare ourselves GREEDY rather than just plain fucking STUPID. Alas, stupid is the operative word here. We went in with the "glorious Bush dynasty's legacy" in mind, make no mistake abou tit. Freudian slip notwithstanding (and I refuse to go back and correct it cuz, gosh darn it, it looks so pirdy thar, huck) ....
Seriously man. Mainly it was about W's damaged pride and the plot agin' his ol' pappy. 9/11 was merely an opportunity to him. It was a procustean puzzle, where all the relevant pieces were trimmed with toenail clippers to force them to fit into his bunion'd world schema. Cunts, cunts I say, and cunts the lot of them. Cunts with corns.
I am sick of them all. In the time since last I've graced these hallowed posts, I've turned away from my liberal roots. I am neither right nor left. I hate them all. They are all shit to moi. Nothing will ever get done until we break this fucking mould we're in with this two-party system.
....Um ... sorry for ranting. I have so very, very much to say. I am so glad that I am back to share with all of you. Shit, my eyes are welling up. Oh, man. I need a moment. Excuse me gang (sniff).
#21 2008-10-20 16:09:51
Horseonovich wrote:
They are all shit to moi.
#22 2008-10-20 17:37:34
Horseonovich wrote:
Oh man, I'm getting a chub just reading through this stuff, man. It' like old times or something. My Gawd, what was I THINKING by staying away from my Cruel pretties for so long? Phreddy, how perfectly, cuntsquisitely yourSELF you've been today. It makes me weep tears of joy. Add to that fnord's quasi-reasoned bigotry, George Orr's spartan commentary and Lad's pusscake links, and it all amounts to a heady, frothing brew of yellow and semi-oily GHL.
Oh me oh my, but why oh why did I leave you all on yer lonesomes for so very long?! --And here we have an election to deal with, and so much old ground to cover, too.
Welcome me back, GANG. It is .... (wait for it )
( ... it's coming, be patient )
Welcome back Oh Equine One. Seems like only four years ago you were so distraught about W's victory that you were coming over to the dark side as a born again Republican. At least you have not yet partaken of the Obama Kool-Aid and expect the Black Messiah to deliver us from everything (with funding by the rich of course). I am beginning to feel as though the body snatchers have taken away the skeptics and left us with brain-dead disciples. I can now only hope for the Bradley Effect to save the world.
#23 2008-10-20 18:09:45
Yes, welcome back Princess Bisc-- I mean, Horse.
#24 2008-10-20 18:14:16
karenw wrote:
Yes, welcome back Princess Bisc-- I mean, Horse.
I think you were headed towards "Princess Horse-Biscuits."
#25 2008-10-20 18:16:10
Horseonovich wrote:
Shit fire. Even I may have to start paying attention to politics again if it brought the Hoss outta retirement.
Welcome back, fella.
#26 2008-10-20 18:18:02
horseonovich wrote:
I am a self loathing loser. I HATE myself, and my putrid fat body.
I have no friends. I take out my frustrations on a tag board.
I think people like me there, because I am delusional.
I have tongued my mother's gaping anus, and savored the ooze.
#27 2008-10-20 19:21:51
I think it's great Horse is threatening to return: High Street was simply becoming too literate and thoughtful.
#28 2008-10-20 19:29:30
Someone bet me that if I came back so would horse.
It's amazing that someone threw away $2 just to get horse to return.
My work is done....
#29 2008-10-20 19:34:24
Taint wrote:
I think it's great Horse is threatening to return: High Street was simply becoming too literate and thoughtful.
Too true - we could use a new Lurker. In fairness, though, Lurker had at least two personalities, whereas Princess PonyBiscuits is just one long, tired dipschtick.
#30 2008-10-20 19:35:38
WilberCuntLicker wrote:
Too true - we could use a new Lurker. In fairness, though, Lurker had at least two personalities, whereas Princess PonyBiscuits is just one long, tired dipschtick.
Where the fuck is Lurker??? Or was he just a puppet also?
#31 2008-10-20 19:40:58
Too many mean old heteros here for Lurker. Hell, even the fags got sick of him. After he managed to piss off the generally indulgent faghags there was nothing here for him but a reflection of his own essential pointlessness. *Poof(ter)* he was gone.
#32 2008-10-20 19:50:01
WilberCuntLicker wrote:
*Poof(ter)* he was gone.
#33 2008-10-20 20:07:05
tojo2000 wrote:
horseonovich wrote:
I am a self loathing loser. I HATE myself, and my putrid fat body.
I have no friends. I take out my frustrations on a tag board.
I think people like me there, because I am delusional.
I have tongued my mother's gaping anus, and savored the ooze.
May we retire this now? Thanks.
#34 2008-10-20 20:09:47
Oh, come now, it wouldn't be a proper welcome without it.
#35 2008-10-20 20:46:43
Dmtdust wrote:
tojo2000 wrote:
horseonovich wrote:
I am a self loathing loser. I HATE myself, and my putrid fat body.
I have no friends. I take out my frustrations on a tag board.
I think people like me there, because I am delusional.
I have tongued my mother's gaping anus, and savored the ooze.May we retire this now? Thanks.
No, no. I believe it will continue to come in handy.
#36 2008-10-20 20:48:00
Well, he is the anointed one.
#37 2008-10-20 20:55:21
Dmtdust wrote:
tojo2000 wrote:
horseonovich wrote:
May we retire this now? Thanks.
We spike no whine before its time.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#38 2008-10-21 13:06:54
Ah, just read this long thread of Welcome, Love and cuddly words. Thanks to one and all. I've got a job to do here. I will accomplish my mission bracingly. When my mission is done, I will not say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, but rather, I willsay "My Work Here is Done".
..... Or not. It's such a fine line, after all.
#39 2008-10-21 20:15:36
tojo2000 wrote:
ptah13 wrote:
Umm, I can't believe I'm still seeing idiots from the left claim "we went in to steal all that Iraqi oil"?
Man, and I thought you liberals were dumb as hell, before.
Can you please show me where we've stolen all this oil? Where are we hiding it, under the sofa?
It's just damn scary that about 50% of the people in this country are this dense.
At least horse is back. He may be a an ignorant liberal, too, but at least he's more clever than most of you.Ptah, getting the oil was a reason for going in, and not a secret one. Don't you remember that their oil was going to pay for the war? The only reason why we don't have it now is because we fucked up so bad. We were thaaaaat close to getting contracts to American companies for the Iraqi oil last year when they finally had enough and pulled out at the last minute. Stealing? That may be hyperbole, but we definitely went in their to exploit their oil for our gain.
Ptah is factually correct. We never did get the oil, only some did.
And it so came to pass that the Iraqi National Oil company was dismantled and reassembled under new management which granted outside contracts with terms that rank at the top of the most generous in the world. Tojo must have missed the inch article on page 27 section A. The long term contracts were just finalized a few months ago. Limited of course to private oil companies from nations that demostrated enough early support to Bush's war plans (sorry France).
I have trouble even naming a country that gives outside oil companies more share of the pie then Iraq. It used to be Venezuela until their upstart politicians stirred up revolt on the issue and rewrote the contracts to take more of the pie for themselves.
#40 2008-10-21 20:28:28
Horseoblovich wrote:
But who will toot your horn if you leave us again?
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs