#1 2008-10-23 18:21:03

Alright there,  I'm assuming that most posters here are American.

I'm a regular working class guy in the UK and I thought you'd like to know how things are perceived over in England. I'm also interested to know what the feelings are in the US about the upcoming elections.

The vast majority of support in Britain is for Obama. American politics in recent years, particularly since Bush has held office, has been treated as a joke, albeit a terrifying one that can lead to war. Most of the media that we get, including the vast majority of internet traffic, indicates  that McCain and Pailin are not ready to be ruling the most powerful country in the world.

Most believe that Obama would make the best president as he seems level headed, intelligent, articulate and passionate. People over here really hope he gets into office. I was asking people in the pub about this today and some of the replies I got are "He seems like he'll make his own mind up"; "His head is in the right place"; "He wont use God to get the crazy religious people on his side"; " He seems like a decent bloke". The McCain and Palin camp seem to be full of political spin (I don't know if this word is universal for both our nations, if not it basically means manipulating public perception of a political party by any means possible).

McCain does have a lot of respect over here for his history with the military and the bravery he displayed in Vietnam although people are concerned about his intentions in relation to war. Particularly as the "special relationship" that exists between Britain and America may drag our boys into war in Iran or elsewhere. Most people support our troops and are proud of them but they are not proud of the reasons for going to war. Sarah Palin on the other hand, is treated as an absolute joke. There is no good press in relation to her over here. There is an air of disbelief that she's even in the position she's in at the moment.

Anyway, most people who I have spoken to in my home town, a city in the North of England, expect Obama to get into power but nobody would be surprised if dirty tactics are used and votes are recounted, omitted, duplicated etc. The reason for this is that nobody here ever thought that Bush would win the election, particularly the second time.

Republicans and Democrats alike, what is the feeling of the people on this board? Who do you believe would be best for office but more importantly, who do you think will win?



#2 2008-10-23 18:25:16




#3 2008-10-23 18:33:05




#4 2008-10-23 18:45:41

The Bin Man wrote:

Most believe that Obama would make the best president as he seems level headed, intelligent, articulate and passionate.

Our very own Tony Blair, and we all know how that worked out. My own sense of forgone conclusion is tempered by fear and loathing for another nullified vote and Marshall Law. John McCain, starring as Robert Mugabe.



#5 2008-10-23 18:46:38

The Bin Man wrote:


You know... North of England....?  One of my favourite towns.



#6 2008-10-23 18:51:26

Well Bin Man, I'm not too surprised that Europe and the UK are backing Obama.  So is Hugo Chavez and Achmadinajad.  I can't blame those of you on the other side of the pond for feeling so.  Information about the candidates comes to you through the filter of the US press and a few Brits stationed in Washington DC and NY.  Journalists from all countries are vastly liberal leaning, so I would expect you to be influenced by their stories.  You may, however, want to consider that despite the fact that we are fighting an unpopular war, that the Republican President has historically low approval ratings, that our economy is sliding into the shitter, that Obama has raised three times as much money as McCain, that all of the moderators in the national debates and the TV anchors  are all Democrats, McCain still is only a couple of points behind Obama.  You may want to ask yourself why Americans aren't committed to the Obama bandwagon.  It's because he is an empty suit with a very suave presence and we all know it.  But when someone promises to take money from your boss and put it into your pocket, the lure to vote for him becomes irresistible to those who don't know better than to bite the hand that feeds them.



#7 2008-10-23 18:57:00

Please excuse Phwed.  He has never read anything not published in the US.  He forgets the vast right wing structure in the press in the UK, France, Germany and Italy for starters. 

He is provincial, but sweet in a dim sort of way.



#8 2008-10-23 19:05:23

Dmtdust wrote:

Please excuse Phwed.  He has never read anything not published in the US.  He forgets the vast right wing structure in the press in the UK, France, Germany and Italy for starters. 

He is provincial, but sweet in a dim sort of way.

WTF?  You think the UK reporters stationed in Washington and NY are right wing inflitrators to the liberal establishment?  You must travel outside of the Peoples Republic of Northern Oregon once in a while.



#9 2008-10-23 19:17:22

Bin --

There are many in this country who believe that the opinion of Europeans doesn't matter.  They forget that we live in a global economy and they we rely on out allies for support.  The idiots who think this fail to realize that war is not cheap and that a global effort in fighting terrorism defrays the costs of what we have to spend at home.  Instead, they'd rather go it alone and send the country into bankruptcy, hoping that prayer will pull us through, rather than conceding that maybe, just maybe, the United State is not infallible.

50% or the Americans who vote are idiots.  They have been brainwashed into voting against their interests by the wealthy, who use wedge issues to maintain their power and wealth.  I know a woman who has no health insurance, but is voting for McCain simply because Sarah Palin is pro-life.  When I asked her what 8 years of Bush has done for the pro-life movement, she had to admit that their cause has not advanced at all, but she holds out the hope that McCain and Palin will in some way make abortions illegal.  It's the only issue that matters to her.

In addition, Americans are lazy.  They prefer to get all of their information from Fox News and talk radio rather than doing their own research.  The term "socialism" is thrown around without the faintest clue as to what it means.  Bush spending $250 million to buy banks is socialsm; raising taxes on those who make over $250,000 is not.  Guess what most Americans think is socialism?  They are also confused about the current tax code.  Redistribution has been the cornerstone of the tax code since its inception.  However, the Republicans are throwing around the term "share the wealth" as a way to scare morons into thinking that their tax dollars will be funnelled to people without jobs, while in reality, McCain's tax plan does nothing for the middle class and rewards the rich simply for being rich.

So to answer your question, Americans will vote against their own interest if they believe that it keeps poor people from benefitting as well.



#10 2008-10-23 19:18:11

I spent a good part of my life in Europe... The right wing is very, very well represented in the press there Phwedd.

All of the major dailies in the UK with the exception of the Guardian are right wing, Rupert Murdoch owns many of them. 

You will find the same pattern in Italy (Berlusconi)..

and don't get me going about France and Germany.

I do get out of the Peoples Republic of Portland, daily via the Interwebs, and I read the press from around the world.  I would suggest you might try the same.



#11 2008-10-23 19:20:55

Ah, Berwick Upon Tweed. That's up in Scotland. Nice place I went there as a kid.

Phreddy, I don't think you can compare Europeans to Ahmadinejad or Chavez. I'm interested in your opinions though, how do you think the campaigns will go over the next couple of weeks? 

The UK press, particularly the BBC, is not biased. Every household in the UK has to pay £140 a year for a TV license. This guarantees complete a complete objective outlook to world events and no advertisements on BBC channels so there is a large level of confidence in what is reported through the BBC as being factual and without opinion.

Last edited by The Bin Man (2008-10-23 19:23:58)



#12 2008-10-23 19:23:43

No, its in the north of England, 2 miles south of the border.



#13 2008-10-23 19:26:11

Dmt, your knowledge of the UK makes me hang my head in shame. It is nice though.



#14 2008-10-23 19:30:37

I love it there.  So, which county are your from, Durham perchance?



#15 2008-10-23 19:37:19

The Bin Man wrote:

Ah, Berwick Upon Tweed. That's up in Scotland. Nice place I went there as a kid.

Phreddy, I don't think you can compare Europeans to Ahmadinejad or Chavez. I'm interested in your opinions though, how do you think the campaigns will go over the next couple of weeks? 

The UK press, particularly the BBC, is not biased. Every household in the UK has to pay £140 a year for a TV license. This guarantees complete a complete objective outlook to world events and no advertisements on BBC channels so there is a large level of confidence in what is reported through the BBC as being factual and without opinion.

Bin, I wasn't suggesting that Europeans were in the same mindset as the Ahmadinejad and Chavez.  I was only pointing out that everyone outside the US gets a skewed version of who we are and why.

As for the BBC, it is considered by many of us in the US as a left-leaning organization, and I think for good reason.Even Andrew Marr, the BBC’s former political editor, said there is “an innate liberal bias” in the organization.

Unfortunately, I must leave work now and start a long weekend.  I would be happy to chat with you next week as we see how the campaign develops.



#16 2008-10-23 19:39:09

The Bin Man wrote:

Alright there,  I'm assuming that most posters here are American.

I'm a regular working class guy in the UK and I thought you'd like to know how things are perceived over in England. I'm also interested to know what the feelings are in the US about the upcoming elections.

The vast majority of support in Britain is for Obama. American politics in recent years, particularly since Bush has held office, has been treated as a joke, albeit a terrifying one that can lead to war. Most of the media that we get, including the vast majority of internet traffic, indicates  that McCain and Pailin are not ready to be ruling the most powerful country in the world.

Most believe that Obama would make the best president as he seems level headed, intelligent, articulate and passionate. People over here really hope he gets into office. I was asking people in the pub about this today and some of the replies I got are "He seems like he'll make his own mind up"; "His head is in the right place"; "He wont use God to get the crazy religious people on his side"; " He seems like a decent bloke". The McCain and Palin camp seem to be full of political spin (I don't know if this word is universal for both our nations, if not it basically means manipulating public perception of a political party by any means possible).

McCain does have a lot of respect over here for his history with the military and the bravery he displayed in Vietnam although people are concerned about his intentions in relation to war. Particularly as the "special relationship" that exists between Britain and America may drag our boys into war in Iran or elsewhere. Most people support our troops and are proud of them but they are not proud of the reasons for going to war. Sarah Palin on the other hand, is treated as an absolute joke. There is no good press in relation to her over here. There is an air of disbelief that she's even in the position she's in at the moment.

Anyway, most people who I have spoken to in my home town, a city in the North of England, expect Obama to get into power but nobody would be surprised if dirty tactics are used and votes are recounted, omitted, duplicated etc. The reason for this is that nobody here ever thought that Bush would win the election, particularly the second time.

Republicans and Democrats alike, what is the feeling of the people on this board? Who do you believe would be best for office but more importantly, who do you think will win?

You've come to the right place. As long as you keep the same opinions you espoused here, and don't say anything negative about Obama, you should be free from being insulted and ridiculed!

You are amongst mostly like-minded folks.

I would like to ask you a question. First, how do white Brits feel about Pakistanis? Assuming you are not Islamic (which, is a stretch considering how fast Islam is growing in the UK), how would you feel about shiara law in your country in, say, 20 years?

The reason I ask is related to your question. Obama IS very popular. He's smart, likable and a savvy politician. Nothing wrong with the guy whatsoever. Of course, he has no more experience than Palin (who is ridiculed relentlessly in the press). The idea that Obama might "make up his own mind" instead of relying on advice from others is somewhat scary to many Americans, considering Obama's total lack of executive experience.

Honestly, I watch the BBC and I don't see the roasting of Palin going on hardly at all. I bet it is going on in those tabloids all over the uk, though, huh?

So basically, because the UK's version of Weekly World News says "Obama good/Palin bad", well, then that is good enough for you?

McCain isn't Bush. Sorry to burst the bubble but that is a lie. Plain and simple. Obama isn't a "middle of the road" Democrat. He's Pelosi's man-bitch and that is that. Of course, you probably don't know who she is but you will as, if Obama wins, anything Pelosi decides for the next 2 years will be the policy of our country.

Don't get me wrong, I love the UK. I know a lot of Brits and many of them are none-too thrilled with the state of things in their homeland. I assure you, if Obama gets elected, things should stay the same where you live or progress in the same direction they have been progressing for the last 15 years (or so).

Oh and did you know that chick that plays the ditzy (but uber-hot) girl on Coupling is going to be on a new American show? Oh yeah, and we got Little Britain in America now. Funny shit, thanks!

I do respect your beers there in the UK. What happened to Canada, all their beers suck? Weren't you guys like their mentors or something? They have nothing like Guiness or Newcastle or Bass in Canada.



#17 2008-10-23 19:46:26

Oh, and it was the first Bush election that he won by a stopping of the counting of votes, not the 2nd.

The 2nd wasn't even disputed by Kerry. Bush won. (how, I don't know, but he won).

Again, nothing wrong with Obama other than him being far from the middle. Our country needs someone who REALLY does work with both parties, not just someone who claims they will.

Also, that whatever happened to that Thin Blue Line comedy? I got that on DVD last year. That show had an all-star cast as far as Brit comedy actors go. I love that Inspector Grim, who was in Four Weddings and a Funeral and a couple other movies. He's funny as hell.



#18 2008-10-23 19:49:39

One last thing:

There is this guy here named Wilbur. You'll have to excuse him as he is a fat guy with a small penis so it's hard for him to get the physics of sex right with his equally density-challenged bearded wife.

Everyone else is pretty much a-ok.

Even HKG. I don't agree with a thing she says but at least you can tell she's passionate about it. I thinks she's smurgley!!!



#19 2008-10-23 19:58:24

Christ-in-doughnut, Ptahmaine, what's with the vapid monologues? Are you pENIx's dumbed-down sock-puppet? Look up "concision" in the dictionary, then go off on your own and practice for a while. And by the way, here's a candid comment on the size of my penis from a good friend: oooooo, it's weewy weewy big, Daddy!



#20 2008-10-23 20:02:39

ptah13 wrote:

One last thing:

There is this guy here named Wilbur. You'll have to excuse him as he is a fat guy with a small penis so it's hard for him to get the physics of sex right with his equally density-challenged bearded wife.

Everyone else is pretty much a-ok.

Even HKG. I don't agree with a thing she says but at least you can tell she's passionate about it. I thinks she's smurgley!!!

Ach!  The thought of peanut butter on my skin is so NOT HAWT.

I think you are wrong about Obama.  He will not be Pelosi's bitch, which, I think, is why he did not pick Hilary and went with Biden.  I also don't think he's as leftist as you've all been lead to believe.  I've never met him, but I know someone in his inner circle, and I think the DNC will be in for a surprise if he gets elected.



#21 2008-10-23 20:04:32

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Christ-in-doughnut, Ptahmaine, what's with the vapid monologues? Are you pENIx's dumbed-down sock-puppet? Look up "concision" in the dictionary, then go off on your own and practice for a while. And by the way, here's a candid comment on the size of my penis from a good friend: oooooo, it's weewy weewy big, Daddy!

Pictures, or STFU.  Also, a shot with a ruler would be ideal...yes, I know being an American I'll have to convert centimeters to inches, but it'll seem so much bigger.



#22 2008-10-23 20:10:11

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Christ-in-doughnut, Ptahmaine, what's with the vapid monologues? Are you pENIx's dumbed-down sock-puppet? Look up "concision" in the dictionary, then go off on your own and practice for a while. And by the way, here's a candid comment on the size of my penis from a good friend: oooooo, it's weewy weewy big, Daddy!


Dude, you TOLD me on the "he who's name shall not be said who is banned" thread to go forth and spew more political nonsense. Make up your mind!

And what your child thinks about your penis shouldn't be posted here, dude, that's sick.



#23 2008-10-23 20:13:43

headkicker_girl wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Christ-in-doughnut, Ptahmaine, what's with the vapid monologues? Are you pENIx's dumbed-down sock-puppet? Look up "concision" in the dictionary, then go off on your own and practice for a while. And by the way, here's a candid comment on the size of my penis from a good friend: oooooo, it's weewy weewy big, Daddy!

Pictures, or STFU.  Also, a shot with a ruler would be ideal...yes, I know being an American I'll have to convert centimeters to inches, but it'll seem so much bigger.


That was funny... I respect that you give back the "show us your tits" full bore...

I'll dial down my "be an ass to HKG" meds for a bit.

I do have to know, seriously, were you the one who asked horse to come here and abuse me and smitty? He told me, once, who it was but I forgot.



#24 2008-10-23 20:19:43

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

One last thing:

There is this guy here named Wilbur. You'll have to excuse him as he is a fat guy with a small penis so it's hard for him to get the physics of sex right with his equally density-challenged bearded wife.

Everyone else is pretty much a-ok.

Even HKG. I don't agree with a thing she says but at least you can tell she's passionate about it. I thinks she's smurgley!!!

Ach!  The thought of peanut butter on my skin is so NOT HAWT.

I think you are wrong about Obama.  He will not be Pelosi's bitch, which, I think, is why he did not pick Hilary and went with Biden.  I also don't think he's as leftist as you've all been lead to believe.  I've never met him, but I know someone in his inner circle, and I think the DNC will be in for a surprise if he gets elected.

Nothing would please me more if this were true. Noone would be happier if Obama really does mean 1/4 of what he says.

Two things make me think Obama is the Pelosi man-bitch. First, Biden. Biden always came across as arm-in-arm with Pelosi to me. Second, was when Pelosi sent out the "ok to drill" memo and Obama was out in 8 hours saying "I want to drill, too". Of course, his voting record also makes him appear in lock-step with the house leadership.

"Smurgley" has nothing to do with peanut butter. "Smurgle" (I think) is what cats do when they love on you. I guess I insunated that you seemed like someone who would be fun to "cuddle with" or something along those lines.

Wanna go fuck-chat now or something? You could be Hilary and I could be Mitt Romney!!!!

Just fuckin' with ya...



#25 2008-10-23 20:26:53

ptah13 wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Christ-in-doughnut, Ptahmaine, what's with the vapid monologues? Are you pENIx's dumbed-down sock-puppet? Look up "concision" in the dictionary, then go off on your own and practice for a while. And by the way, here's a candid comment on the size of my penis from a good friend: oooooo, it's weewy weewy big, Daddy!

Pictures, or STFU.  Also, a shot with a ruler would be ideal...yes, I know being an American I'll have to convert centimeters to inches, but it'll seem so much bigger.


That was funny... I respect that you give back the "show us your tits" full bore...

I'll dial down my "be an ass to HKG" meds for a bit.

I do have to know, seriously, were you the one who asked horse to come here and abuse me and smitty? He told me, once, who it was but I forgot.

Gawd, no.  I find Horse to be a bore.  I'd rather fuck Lurker with a strap-on.



#26 2008-10-23 20:27:39

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

Pictures, or STFU.  Also, a shot with a ruler would be ideal...yes, I know being an American I'll have to convert centimeters to inches, but it'll seem so much bigger.


That was funny... I respect that you give back the "show us your tits" full bore...

I'll dial down my "be an ass to HKG" meds for a bit.

I do have to know, seriously, were you the one who asked horse to come here and abuse me and smitty? He told me, once, who it was but I forgot.

Gawd, no.  I find Horse to be a bore.  I'd rather fuck Lurker with a strap-on.

Can we watch?



#27 2008-10-23 20:33:00

ptah13 wrote:

Nothing would please me more if this were true. Noone would be happier if Obama really does mean 1/4 of what he says.

Two things make me think Obama is the Pelosi man-bitch. First, Biden. Biden always came across as arm-in-arm with Pelosi to me. Second, was when Pelosi sent out the "ok to drill" memo and Obama was out in 8 hours saying "I want to drill, too". Of course, his voting record also makes him appear in lock-step with the house leadership.

"Smurgley" has nothing to do with peanut butter. "Smurgle" (I think) is what cats do when they love on you. I guess I insunated that you seemed like someone who would be fun to "cuddle with" or something along those lines.

Wanna go fuck-chat now or something? You could be Hilary and I could be Mitt Romney!!!!

Just fuckin' with ya...

This being high-street, and all, I was going with the urban dictionary definition of smurgley.

C'mon....you gotta want Obama to win just because it will send the right wing radio guys into ORGASM.  If McCain wins, what are they gonna talk about for the next 4 years?  How he really did follow in Bush's footsteps and the country is still fucked up?  Who can they blame?  I'd think every Republican would want a black man as the scape goat.  It's worked in Gary and Detroit...



#28 2008-10-23 20:37:02

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

Pictures, or STFU.  Also, a shot with a ruler would be ideal...yes, I know being an American I'll have to convert centimeters to inches, but it'll seem so much bigger.


That was funny... I respect that you give back the "show us your tits" full bore...

I'll dial down my "be an ass to HKG" meds for a bit.

I do have to know, seriously, were you the one who asked horse to come here and abuse me and smitty? He told me, once, who it was but I forgot.

Gawd, no.  I find Horse to be a bore.  I'd rather fuck Lurker with a strap-on.

Well, when horse very first appeared, years back, on Cruel. He came on and went right after smitty and on post one...

After a few days of nonsense, he sent me some email apologizing saying that some female he "knew" at cruel invited him there telling him he'd fit right in and telling him all about me and how evil I am for calling people's mom and stuff like that and that she needed horse, and his "word gift" to put me in my place.

For years I thought that person was you. I though he told me it was you at some later point.

Sorry for thinking you were horses secret friend. Really, that's not a nice thing to think about someone.

On the other hand, who was the bitch who invited him to the party in the first place? It's that person I need to wack, not Wilber!!!



#29 2008-10-23 20:39:27

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Nothing would please me more if this were true. Noone would be happier if Obama really does mean 1/4 of what he says.

Two things make me think Obama is the Pelosi man-bitch. First, Biden. Biden always came across as arm-in-arm with Pelosi to me. Second, was when Pelosi sent out the "ok to drill" memo and Obama was out in 8 hours saying "I want to drill, too". Of course, his voting record also makes him appear in lock-step with the house leadership.

"Smurgley" has nothing to do with peanut butter. "Smurgle" (I think) is what cats do when they love on you. I guess I insunated that you seemed like someone who would be fun to "cuddle with" or something along those lines.

Wanna go fuck-chat now or something? You could be Hilary and I could be Mitt Romney!!!!

Just fuckin' with ya...

This being high-street, and all, I was going with the urban dictionary definition of smurgley.

C'mon....you gotta want Obama to win just because it will send the right wing radio guys into ORGASM.  If McCain wins, what are they gonna talk about for the next 4 years?  How he really did follow in Bush's footsteps and the country is still fucked up?  Who can they blame?  I'd think every Republican would want a black man as the scape goat.  It's worked in Gary and Detroit...

Well, if he does win I want to quit hearing every black "icon" in America bitching about how they are being held down by whitey.... If we have a black president before a woman, then women can blame black people are holding them back!!!!

Go chicks!!!!



#30 2008-10-23 23:32:02

This is fucking awesome, some guy from Romsford with a signet ring and bad teeth shows up and everybody turns into the fucking old ladies in the welcome wagon committee.  Who gives a fuck what he thinks about our politics - his world is even more fucked than ours. 

Christ on a fucking crutch, what will you do next - ask him to post pictures taken from the top of that fucking eye?



#31 2008-10-24 03:54:57

ptah13 wrote:

Well, if he does win I want to quit hearing every black "icon" in America bitching about how they are being held down by whitey.... If we have a black president before a woman, then women can blame black people are holding them back!!!!

Go chicks!!!!

Of course they'll still complain.  Obama wasn't their choice until he actually seemed like he might win.



#32 2008-10-24 07:13:23

tojo2000 wrote:

Of course they'll still complain.  Obama wasn't their choice until he actually seemed like he might win.

Not all of us, dear. I supported Obama rather than Hillary from the start. I suppose that makes me a gender-traitor or something.



#33 2008-10-24 08:27:45

karenw wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

Of course they'll still complain.  Obama wasn't their choice until he actually seemed like he might win.

Not all of us, dear. I supported Obama rather than Hillary from the start. I suppose that makes me a gender-traitor or something.

I supported "none of the above" until I was forced to choose "empty words" over "tales from the crypt."



#34 2008-10-24 08:52:35

nothing to see here folks

Last edited by WilberCuntLicker (2008-10-24 08:53:34)



#35 2008-10-24 09:35:50

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

nothing to see here folks

Hey I tried, seems like this is just the love fest thread.



#36 2008-10-24 13:22:21

karenw wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

Of course they'll still complain.  Obama wasn't their choice until he actually seemed like he might win.

Not all of us, dear. I supported Obama rather than Hillary from the start. I suppose that makes me a gender-traitor or something.

I was  referring to black "icons" by which I supposed he meant the public faces of African Americans in the political world.  I was also being a bit facetious.  It was interesting to watch the public response early on, though.  Remember when Obama wasn't "black enough"?  I can understand where the sentiment comes from, after all years have been spent building a political machine to bring clout to African American issues, only to have someone with no strong ties to that machine shoot past them straight towards the highest political post in the land.



#37 2008-10-25 13:54:56

Hey guys, I've just checked this since I posted the other night. I'll be back with my thoughts and stuff in a bit but I have to go out now and get into drunken mischief around town, I wanna check the NSFW thread first.

I live in Bradford for all who are interested. The 9th biggest city in England, 10 miles from Leeds and in the heart of Yorkshire.

And Dmt, my confusion about Berwick has been confirmed as they are in the Scottish soccer league but are part of England.

Last edited by The Bin Man (2008-10-25 13:55:40)



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