#2 2008-10-22 11:50:46

Excellent find.  It made my morning.  I look at Drudge daily.  Why?  I want to know what that little deviant is cooking up, that's why.



#3 2008-10-22 18:51:40

Believe it or not, I had forgotten all about Matt Drudge.

...So when do Rush and Ann become irrelevant?  --What, already?  Great!!



#4 2008-10-23 01:04:37

George Orr wrote:

Believe it or not, I had forgotten all about Matt Drudge.

...So when do Rush and Ann become irrelevant?  --What, already?  Great!!

Folks were saying Rush would fade into obscurity back when Clinton was elected.  He peeked some time ago but he isn't fading away any time soon.  And no, I'm not remarking on his weight.



#5 2008-10-23 08:50:15

(YAWN!)  Only one poll matters, and thats by secret ballot in 12 days.  People do say different things then they believe if they fear being called a racist.  Don't swim in your own shit yet.

EDIT: Drudge's frequency of how many people view his page certainly hasn't dropped:

026,619,841 IN PAST 24 HOURS
807,284,101 IN PAST 31 DAYS
6,886,716,197 IN PAST YEAR

Last edited by fortinbras (2008-10-23 08:51:54)



#6 2008-10-23 13:56:08

fortinbras wrote:

(YAWN!)  Only one poll matters, and thats by secret ballot in 12 days.  People do say different things then they believe if they fear being called a racist.  Don't swim in your own shit yet.

EDIT: Drudge's frequency of how many people view his page certainly hasn't dropped:

026,619,841 IN PAST 24 HOURS
807,284,101 IN PAST 31 DAYS
6,886,716,197 IN PAST YEAR

Keep telling yourself that, foot-in-ass.  There has been no discernible Bradley Effect thus far in the campaigns.



#7 2008-10-23 14:43:18

Drudge pimps his traffic with an autoreload header. He also counts all page loads as visitors.

Although he's still huge, Huffington Post passed him in February and now draws two million more visitors a month:

http://siteanalytics.compete.com/drudge … ?metric=uv

I was scared by my own image in the sidebar here. I should avoid "you, the man, no, you the man" conversations when people are taking pictures.



#8 2008-10-23 14:50:06

Rcade!  Homey!  Waz Up Nigga!



#9 2008-10-23 14:50:12

rcade wrote:

Drudge pimps his traffic with an autoreload header. He also counts all page loads as visitors.

Wait a minute. You're not suggesting that Drudge's figures aren't entirely accurate, are you? A charge such as that might suggest his reporting is anything less than accurate, or - laughably - simply self-promoting.



#10 2008-10-23 17:16:55

Tojo wrote:

There has been no discernible Bradley Effect thus far in the campaigns.

You can get pretty thick Tojo.  The Bradley Effect only happens in the polling booth when guys who had pretended to be Obama supporters so they could fuck hippie chicks instead vote their conscience.



#11 2008-10-23 17:23:20

phreddy wrote:

Tojo wrote:

There has been no discernible Bradley Effect thus far in the campaigns.

You can get pretty thick Tojo.  The Bradley Effect only happens in the polling booth when guys who had pretended to be Obama supporters so they could fuck hippie chicks instead vote their conscience.

Did you read the post I was responding to?  Now to finish the context, combine it with the fact that Obama is in the lead.  Got it?  Good.



#12 2008-10-23 17:59:09

I love how some polls have Obama up by as much as 12 points, while Gallup has him up by as little as 4 (within the margin of error). Big difference between 12 and 4....

Also Gallup is not showing an increase in the proportion of 1st time voters, which doesn't bode well for McCain. Remember, lack of college-age turn out killed both Gore and Kerry.

Wow, it's amazing. I just noticed that the AP poll for today has Obama up by ONE POINT. But, what, the "headline news" says, "OBAMA LEAD GROWS TO 12 POINTS!"?

So the AP has him by 1, Gallup by 4, but NBC says 12 so that's the story everyone gets to hear.

Yep, fair and balanced there...

You know, at this point I've gone way beyond caring about who wins as much as realizing how bad propaganda in the United States is. I'm sure Obama is a good guy who is going to try to do what he thinks is right, if elected. But seeing the willing manipulation of information by mainstream media is amazing albeit not surprising.

I had to actually "LOOK" for the AP and Gallup poll results, where the "12 point" is right in my face on my home page.

Old Joe Goebbels would be proud....

Last edited by ptah13 (2008-10-23 18:01:13)



#13 2008-10-23 18:15:07

ptah13 wrote:

I love how some polls have Obama up by as much as 12 points, while Gallup has him up by as little as 4 (within the margin of error). Big difference between 12 and 4....

Also Gallup is not showing an increase in the proportion of 1st time voters, which doesn't bode well for McCain. Remember, lack of college-age turn out killed both Gore and Kerry.

Wow, it's amazing. I just noticed that the AP poll for today has Obama up by ONE POINT. But, what, the "headline news" says, "OBAMA LEAD GROWS TO 12 POINTS!"?

So the AP has him by 1, Gallup by 4, but NBC says 12 so that's the story everyone gets to hear.

Yep, fair and balanced there...

You know, at this point I've gone way beyond caring about who wins as much as realizing how bad propaganda in the United States is. I'm sure Obama is a good guy who is going to try to do what he thinks is right, if elected. But seeing the willing manipulation of information by mainstream media is amazing albeit not surprising.

I had to actually "LOOK" for the AP and Gallup poll results, where the "12 point" is right in my face on my home page.

Old Joe Goebbels would be proud....

Neither of those matter as much as the trending information.  No two polls are going to have the exact same information.  http://fivethirtyeight.com has the best breakdown of numbers and probabilities I've found.



#14 2008-10-23 21:02:28

rcade wrote:

Drudge pimps his traffic with an autoreload header. He also counts all page loads as visitors.

Although he's still huge, Huffington Post passed him in February and now draws two million more visitors a month:

http://siteanalytics.compete.com/drudge … ?metric=uv

I was scared by my own image in the sidebar here. I should avoid "you, the man, no, you the man" conversations when people are taking pictures.

Are you going to open a Huffingtonpostretort soon?



#15 2008-10-24 07:01:10

rcade wrote:

I was scared by my own image in the sidebar here. I should avoid "you, the man, no, you the man" conversations when people are taking pictures.

Hello, poppa! Does this mean you really keep an eye turned to your ginger stepkids? Admit it, you still love us!



#16 2008-10-24 07:58:53

Dear Mr. Cade:

Although the paternity tests have cleared you of any genetic connection, you still have a certain responsibility, nay, culpability, for the vagrants who face a cruel life panhandling on High Street.  The wheels are off the shopping cart, and someone urinated on the wadded-up blankets inside, and the Night Train Express has run out.  Please post directions to the shelter.

Yours in xenu,

L. Ron Hubbard



#17 2008-10-25 20:37:23

I check in on High Street more than I checked in on Cruel.Com.

Those of you who like to keep tabs on my mandoodle should read my blog:


Is it true somebody got banned here?



#18 2008-10-25 22:03:03

rcade wrote:

Is it true somebody got banned here?

We shoot Horses don't we.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#19 2008-10-25 22:17:02

rcade wrote:

I check in on High Street more than I checked in on Cruel.Com.

Those of you who like to keep tabs on my mandoodle should read my blog:


How apropos that you post your vasectomy account in our "Neutered Queen" thread.

Stein replaced several of his vasectomy billboards across the state with the cutting message "Stop McSame." Stein tells me with great excitement the interest his effort has generated. White calls this campaign "preventing unwanted presidents."

A purely prophylactic procedure.



#20 2008-10-25 23:23:39

rcade wrote:

Is it true somebody got banned here?

Indeed.  Someone took the First Amendment out back and shot it.  We would have taken the Second Amendment out and shot it as well if not for the irony that would have created.



#21 2008-10-26 00:50:19

rcade wrote:

Is it true somebody got banned here?


We kill all horses here.



#22 2008-10-26 01:05:01

rcade wrote:

I check in on High Street more than I checked in on Cruel.Com.

You created us, Victor Frankenstein...



#23 2008-10-26 02:32:08

sigmoid freud wrote:

rcade wrote:

I check in on High Street more than I checked in on Cruel.Com.

You created us, Victor Frankenstein...

Yes, but how could he have known that we would not only learn English but also Roman mythology and classical literature while lurking in the attic for a couple of years?



#24 2008-10-26 03:58:01

You got Roman mythology? All I got was the "Epic of Gilgamesh" and a Gideons Bible.



#25 2008-10-26 06:39:01

Taint wrote:

You got Roman mythology? All I got was the "Epic of Gilgamesh" and a Gideons Bible.

You know Taint, you really should be more grateful. All I got was "Epic Gargamel Fanfic".



#26 2008-10-26 07:40:35

“Gone! Everything is gone! Not a single smurf can be found! How is this possible?” The befuddled wizard wails.

Yeah, I definitely got the better end of the deal.



#27 2008-10-26 13:54:34

Taint wrote:

You got Roman mythology? All I got was the "Epic of Gilgamesh" and a Gideons Bible.

Whiny boys. All that we girls had to look forward to was the weekly carrot delivery and the occasional, dog-eared "Penthouse Forum Letters" anthology.



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