#701 2008-11-05 00:30:26


...sorry tojo, I just baptized my cat and this made me laugh.



#702 2008-11-05 00:33:50

whiskytangofoxtrot wrote:

http://www.betterthanpants.com/media/ca … _10_35.png

...sorry tojo, I just baptized my cat and this made me laugh.


/me goes to find a hammer



#703 2008-11-05 01:43:25




#704 2008-11-05 10:31:25




#705 2008-11-05 10:32:22




#706 2008-11-05 10:33:23




#707 2008-11-05 10:34:50




#709 2008-11-10 19:21:34

Cuteness attack!



Last edited by scarydog (2008-11-10 19:24:12)



#710 2008-11-10 19:47:27

Kittens are so cute when they play with their food.



#712 2008-11-13 20:38:56

choad wrote:

A writer's mews...

When you're writing an article about writers and their cats, how do you miss Hemingway?



#713 2008-11-14 07:35:47




#714 2008-11-14 10:55:16

jesusluvspegging wrote:

choad wrote:

A writer's mews...

When you're writing an article about writers and their cats, how do you miss Hemingway?

Last edited by Dmtdust (2008-11-14 10:56:30)



#715 2008-11-15 17:27:26




#716 2008-11-15 19:58:20

That looks like something my cats would do.  I live alone, so I don't always close the door when I'm answering the call of the wild.  For some reason the fact that I don't allow them in there while I'm doing the dirty makes entering the bathroom irresistible to them, so I end up kicking at them while balancing on the throne.



#717 2008-11-15 22:39:24




#718 2008-11-16 03:41:24

This is Charley.



#719 2008-11-16 17:50:32

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Does anyone else in the world use the tongue-clucking tsk, tsk, tsk sound to summon cats? I learned it in earliest childhood, our cats were, I guess, conditioned to associate the sound with food and the tradition continues. Parents are deceased, so I can't ask them.

Yet, it also interests strange cats. You know how it is when walking in your neighborhood, and you encounter a cat you don't know, and they move cautiously off. Well, tsk, tsk, tsk usually makes the cat pause, and sometimes meow back or even approach.

Is it just me and family or does anyone else do this?

Tsk-tks-tsk rapidly.



#720 2008-11-16 17:56:45

sigmoid freud wrote:

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Does anyone else in the world use the tongue-clucking tsk, tsk, tsk sound to summon cats? I learned it in earliest childhood, our cats were, I guess, conditioned to associate the sound with food and the tradition continues. Parents are deceased, so I can't ask them.

Yet, it also interests strange cats. You know how it is when walking in your neighborhood, and you encounter a cat you don't know, and they move cautiously off. Well, tsk, tsk, tsk usually makes the cat pause, and sometimes meow back or even approach.

Is it just me and family or does anyone else do this?

Tsk-tks-tsk rapidly.

Usually works for me.  I don't know where it comes from.  It doesn't sound like anything I can think of in nature that would make a cat sit up and take notice.



#722 2008-11-16 19:43:03

tojo2000 wrote:

sigmoid freud wrote:

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Does anyone else in the world use the tongue-clucking tsk, tsk, tsk sound to summon cats? I learned it in earliest childhood, our cats were, I guess, conditioned to associate the sound with food and the tradition continues. Parents are deceased, so I can't ask them.

Yet, it also interests strange cats. You know how it is when walking in your neighborhood, and you encounter a cat you don't know, and they move cautiously off. Well, tsk, tsk, tsk usually makes the cat pause, and sometimes meow back or even approach.

Is it just me and family or does anyone else do this?

Tsk-tks-tsk rapidly.

Usually works for me.  I don't know where it comes from.  It doesn't sound like anything I can think of in nature that would make a cat sit up and take notice.

I've always wondered about "Here, kitty, kitty..." Why on earth a cat would respond to that is beyond me, but it also works.



#723 2008-11-17 01:05:50

tojo2000 wrote:

It doesn't sound like anything I can think of in nature that would make a cat sit up and take notice.

Some cats will make a similar sound when stalking prey.  My cockatoo used to dance and bob when I made that sound; So, I can certainly see where that would work.  Now, why such a sound would attract a cat as opposed to causing it to claw your face to shreds, I'm at rather a loss to explain.



#724 2008-11-17 08:29:02

sigmoid freud wrote:

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Does anyone else in the world use the tongue-clucking tsk, tsk, tsk sound to summon cats? I learned it in earliest childhood, our cats were, I guess, conditioned to associate the sound with food and the tradition continues. Parents are deceased, so I can't ask them.

Yet, it also interests strange cats. You know how it is when walking in your neighborhood, and you encounter a cat you don't know, and they move cautiously off. Well, tsk, tsk, tsk usually makes the cat pause, and sometimes meow back or even approach.

Is it just me and family or does anyone else do this?

Tsk-tks-tsk rapidly.

I was in my yard at night a few weeks ago and had a skunk waddle up 8 to 10 feet from me and just scratch around in the grass. Out of curiosity, I talked to it ("Hey, Mr. Skunk...") for a minute or two---it ignored me---then it casually sauntered off. Glad it didn't rub my leg or anything like a cat would have.




#725 2008-11-17 22:02:00



#727 2008-11-19 02:10:30

I giggled maniacally all the way through the Roomba cat. Of course, I'm stoned, too.



#728 2008-11-19 02:12:12

Taint wrote:

I giggled maniacally all the way through the Roomba cat. Of course, I'm stoned, too.


...and that's really not the way I thought cat/roomba interactions would go.



#729 2008-11-19 05:37:54

A blueberry apple pancake, no less.




#730 2008-11-19 05:40:40




#731 2008-11-19 05:44:16




#732 2008-11-19 05:46:38




#733 2008-11-19 08:32:08

Taint wrote:

I giggled maniacally all the way through the Roomba cat. Of course, I'm stoned, too.

All I could think of was the lyrics to BTO's Magic Carpet Ride.



#734 2008-11-19 14:48:15

GooberMcNutly wrote:

All I could think of was the lyrics to BTO's Magic Carpet Ride.

Uh, do you mean Steppenwolf?



#735 2008-11-20 19:18:12




#736 2008-11-22 14:37:18


You've always suspected cats are two-faced.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#739 2008-11-23 20:01:00




#740 2008-11-25 13:31:29



#741 2008-11-25 19:06:51

Dmtdust wrote:

Dust, that is the best thing I have experienced in this entire day, so thank you.



#743 2008-11-28 00:14:42

When I retire and have the time necessary to properly raise pups, I'm gonna have me about 5 German Shepherds.




#744 2008-11-28 00:38:44

sigmoid freud wrote:

When I retire and have the time necessary to properly raise pups, I'm gonna have me about 5 German Shepherds.

http://www.dog-obedience-training-revie … -puppy.jpg

Eeek, a dog!  Die, shit-eater!



#745 2008-11-28 00:52:38

Go make a Dog Thread, hater!


Last edited by George Orr (2008-11-28 00:54:44)



#746 2008-11-28 01:23:27

Go make a Dog Thread, hater!

I am distressed by your unfeeling, unreasoning, ignorant Fascism

I was raised by Dog And Cat Owners. Yes. that's correct. Reasonable, loving people who could accept both the canine AND the feline. People who did not judge predators on the number of their molars.

I have struggled so long and hard in an unfeeling world. A world where those capable of opening their hearts to both the canine and feline are persecuted. Persecuted I say.

Where, oh where is your tolerance, High Street? Where?

Last edited by sigmoid freud (2008-11-28 01:29:46)



#747 2008-11-28 01:43:30

sigmoid freud wrote:

Go make a Dog Thread, hater!

I am distressed by your unfeeling, unreasoning, ignorant Fascism

I was raised by Dog And Cat Owners. Yes. that's correct. Reasonable, loving people who could accept both the canine AND the feline. People who did not judge predators on the number of their molars.

I have struggled so long and hard in an unfeeling world. A world where those capable of opening their hearts to both the canine and feline are persecuted. Persecuted I say.

Where, oh where is your tolerance, High Street? Where?

I was raised with dogs and cats, too, but you don't put dogs in the cat thread!  That's...that's...  Well it's just not done!



#748 2008-11-28 02:18:24

tojo2000 wrote:

I was raised with dogs and cats, too, but you don't put dogs in the cat thread!  That's...that's...  Well it's just not done!

Think about it. First they come for the dog owners.....



#749 2008-11-28 02:33:24

sigmoid freud wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

I was raised with dogs and cats, too, but you don't put dogs in the cat thread!  That's...that's...  Well it's just not done!

Think about it. First they come for the dog owners.....

Nobody is banning dog owners, just dogs.



#750 2008-11-28 14:18:56

tojo2000 wrote:

sigmoid freud wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

I was raised with dogs and cats, too, but you don't put dogs in the cat thread!  That's...that's...  Well it's just not done!

Think about it. First they come for the dog owners.....

Nobody is banning dog owners, just dogs.

What should be done with non-feline pretenders and infiltrators? Is ANY punishment too great for the offense of impersonation?


Last edited by scarydog (2008-11-29 02:31:04)



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