#1 2007-11-01 14:03:01
I just wanted to start a separate thread to make it easier to follow the topic. Please resume the conversation here.
#2 2007-11-01 14:09:00
I vote for DC. Because I can drive there.
If I have to fly, it needs to be someplace I haven't been. Vegas would satisfy that.
No offense but I doubt I'd spend money to fly to NC or SC or even Floriduh. Money is tight, you people are great, but I need some incentive to spend unless someone's buying my ticket (and not expecting a BJ in return!).
Amsterdam. Yeah!
Whatever, yo.
#4 2007-11-01 16:34:22
Roger_That wrote:
No offense but I doubt I'd spend money to fly to NC or SC or even Floriduh. Money is tight, you people are great, but I need some incentive to spend unless someone's buying my ticket (and not expecting a BJ in return!).
Amsterdam. Yeah!
Well, naturally, if we sensibly decide on Amsterdam, you won't have to.
#5 2007-11-01 15:00:17
choad wrote:
Well, naturally, if we sensibly decide on Amsterdam, you won't have to.
#6 2007-11-01 15:04:40
I'm warning you, though. Nevada means "snowy" in Spanish, and it's every bit as freezing fucking cold as anywhere in the dead of winter. It snows here occasionally.
I suggest Las Vegas in the spring.
#7 2007-11-01 15:06:48
It would have to be spring for me. I need time to save $$. Well, that is, unless you think roofucker shouldn't get a christmas gift...
#8 2007-11-01 15:11:18
I'm all for an event next year. I need time to save money, as well. I'm a pathetic, mid-life student and money is a distant memory.
#9 2007-11-01 15:19:55
I vote for Alabama. I'll even rent a bus and drop all of you bastards off at the christian amusement park. Nothing encompasses the holy spirit like Cruellers throwing up on Jesus-themed roller coasters.
#10 2007-11-01 15:28:16
Roger_That wrote:
unless someone's buying my ticket (and not expecting a BJ in return!).
Your oral talents would probably not be in demand. The chocolate starfish would probably garner round trip tickets for you and the roofucker though.
If we have to fly away from the east coast I am booking the same flight as feisty and will try to convince her to join the Mile High Club with me.
#11 2007-11-01 15:29:12
Cherry Vanilla wrote:
I vote for Alabama. I'll even rent a bus and drop all of you bastards off at the christian amusement park. Nothing encompasses the holy spirit like Cruellers throwing up on Jesus-themed roller coasters.
Oh...oh. I think she might have something there. Although I might have to spend the rest of my life embarrassed that I spent money to go to Alabama for any reason.
#12 2007-11-01 15:30:36
scsotdc wrote:
Roger_That wrote:
unless someone's buying my ticket (and not expecting a BJ in return!).
Your oral talents would probably not be in demand. The chocolate starfish would probably garner round trip tickets for you and the roofucker though.
If we have to fly away from the east coast I am booking the same flight as feisty and will try to convince her to join the Mile High Club with me.
You might be able to convince her if you book on this plane:
#13 2007-11-01 15:42:05
Roger_That wrote:
I vote for DC. Because I can drive there.
If I have to fly, it needs to be someplace I haven't been. Vegas would satisfy that.
No offense but I doubt I'd spend money to fly to NC or SC or even Floriduh. Money is tight, you people are great, but I need some incentive to spend unless someone's buying my ticket (and not expecting a BJ in return!).
Amsterdam. Yeah!
Whatever, yo.
As a DCite, i would love to not travel at all!
#14 2007-11-01 16:45:23
Roger_That wrote:
You might be able to convince her if you book on this plane:
Haven't you heard? Sex on the A380 is a no-no.
#15 2007-11-01 17:38:22
I vote for Las Vegas. Lots to do, and the airfare to and from anywhere is cheap.
The downside of the convention will be discovering that all of you really are fat, ugly, middle-aged fucks who live in your parent's basement apartment. (Except, of course, those who's vitae have been confirmed by tit shots)
#16 2007-11-01 17:40:56
I second Vegas, not Hitler, in the Springtime.
#17 2007-11-01 17:57:50
Roger_That wrote:
Cherry Vanilla wrote:
I vote for Alabama. I'll even rent a bus and drop all of you bastards off at the christian amusement park. Nothing encompasses the holy spirit like Cruellers throwing up on Jesus-themed roller coasters.
Oh...oh. I think she might have something there. Although I might have to spend the rest of my life embarrassed that I spent money to go to Alabama for any reason.
Hey, I'll spend the rest of my life embarrassed that it didn't cost me ANYTHING to go to Alabama. And my reason for being here? I really haven't figured that one out yet. The Christian amusement parks, maybe? I love the Tunnel of Jesus ride. It's kinda like the Small World After All Ride, only all of the mechanical puppets are mini-Jesuses which blast holy water at unsuspecting, placid-faced xtians and shout "HE DIED FOR YOOOOOOOOOOOU! YOOOOOOOOU, YOU FORNICATORS!" over dangerously wired loudspeakers. So when are you guys coming?
#18 2007-11-01 18:06:28
Yeah, Vegas is nice, but I still think it needs to be somewhere sick. I still vote for Philadelphia, home of the ugliest people and the Mütter Museum. Heck, we've even got a website dedicated to how fetid this swill-hole is.
And who could miss the Soap Lady?
Last edited by whosasailorthen (2007-11-01 18:08:03)
#19 2007-11-01 19:02:35
I can't go anywhere that isn't NC, unfortunately. Perhaps SC or Washington DC.
And Scotty, you are such a tease.
#21 2007-11-01 19:37:07
square wrote:
Aren't we forgetting the obvious choice?
Actually the obvious choice, and I bet I am not the only one to notice his absence, is in sunny Florida. We can claim a visit to rcade's house as a pilgrimage.
#22 2007-11-01 19:39:46
feisty wrote:
I can't go anywhere that isn't NC, unfortunately. Perhaps SC or Washington DC.
And Scotty, you are such a tease.
Despite his being first to offer I will echo, nay trump, Dirck's offer by making it possible for you to attend and also not killing you and using you moniker on this site to deflect suspicion from me.
#23 2007-11-01 19:52:49
scsotdc wrote:
square wrote:
Aren't we forgetting the obvious choice?
Actually the obvious choice, and I bet I am not the only one to notice his absence, is in sunny Florida. We can claim a visit to rcade's house as a pilgrimage.
Actually, we should just show up at his house and tell him the convention is there.
#24 2007-11-01 20:57:24
sofaking wrote:
I suggest Las Vegas in the spring.
Well, since Tucson obviously stands no chance of prevailing here, I suppose that I'll have to cast my vote for Las Vegas in the Spring as well. I should have my cracked wind-shield replaced by then.
#25 2007-11-01 21:10:58
orangeplus wrote:
scsotdc wrote:
Actually the obvious choice, and I bet I am not the only one to notice his absence, is in sunny Florida. We can claim a visit to rcade's house as a pilgrimage.
Actually, we should just show up at his house and tell him the convention is there.
This is probably the only thing that could persuade me to visit Jax again.
#26 2007-11-01 21:14:56
The most appropriate destination in North America is probably Ciudad Juarez. Cruel wickedness abounds there, everything you can imagine (and some you cannot) is for sale (much more so than Vegas) and the dollar stretches very far, mis amigos.
But the place that should really capture this crowd's interest is New Orleans where good fun trouble lurks around every corner. I just visited there and had almost forgotten how beautifully shameless the citizens are there. So corrupt they just don't care. I fuckin' love their genuine nature.
Cops see a fight and break it up. After asking the guys what they're fighting about and being satisfied with the answer, the cops allow them to continue. Another cop catches a girl pissing in an alley. Cop says "Show me your pussy." Girl says "Say what?!?" Cop says "Do you want me to write you a ticket for urinating in public? Show me your pussy!" Girl shows him her pussy.
Should this party make it to the more antiseptic silicone contrived pimpwad-extorting landscape of Vegas, I recommend the following destinations for quality family fun:
http://www.seamlessclub.com/concepts.asp after 4AM - they are very naughty there
On a recent Vegas trip I was approached by an upscale hooker working the naughty librarian look. She told me she was in the business of "selling intellectual property." I had to admire her marketing.
Last edited by lechero (2007-11-01 21:35:18)
#27 2007-11-01 21:33:56
lechero wrote:
I fuckin' love their genuine nature.
For more on this story, I suggest we consult our very own New Orleans boy...
#28 2007-11-01 21:40:48
#29 2007-11-01 21:42:43
#30 2007-11-01 21:44:02
Did Anyone Say.... BUTTSECHS?
#31 2007-11-01 21:45:04
#32 2007-11-01 21:46:02
#33 2007-11-01 21:46:54
#34 2007-11-01 21:48:02
#35 2007-11-01 21:48:45
Dusty exposing himself wasn't exactly what I had in mind but it isn't entirely out of NO character.
#36 2007-11-01 21:49:06
#37 2007-11-01 21:49:21
#38 2007-11-01 21:50:48
Oops. wrong thread!
#39 2007-11-02 00:49:27
orangeplus wrote:
scsotdc wrote:
Actually the obvious choice, and I bet I am not the only one to notice his absence, is in sunny Florida. We can claim a visit to rcade's house as a pilgrimage.
Actually, we should just show up at his house and tell him the convention is there.
I like the way you think.
#40 2007-11-02 15:41:43
Or we could have the convention in Vatican City and be sure to drop Rcade's name a lot while we're out there.
#41 2007-11-02 17:09:24
By golly I think that's Mr Wiggles having butt secks...
#42 2007-11-02 17:16:38
Ok, as a born and raised Orleanian of coon-ass extraction, I have to say, sure, it's fun , it's cheap and there's a good chance one quarter of us would be murdered.
#43 2007-11-02 19:36:03
orangeplus wrote:
...it's fun , it's cheap and there's a good chance one quarter of us would be murdered.
Can we have a poll on who?
I'd just plant myself in Kaldi's half the day. The du Monde is so over-rated. Do they still have incredibly tacky gaybars above the 800-block of Bourbon, where you can sit upstairs gazing in the direction Marie Laveau's, watching half the drunken heteros realize they've just walked five meters too far?
#44 2007-11-02 19:46:58
pALEPHx wrote:
I'd just plant myself in Kaldi's half the day.
You're dating yourself, Kaldi's shut down 10 years ago, but I do miss her, I surely do. (and Kagan's too)
#45 2007-11-02 20:04:08
orangeplus wrote:
You're dating yourself, Kaldi's shut down 10 years ago...
Wah. That's sad. I suppose the friggin' Shoney's on Jackson Square is still there, along with at least one of the Hog's Breaths and gawdzknow what other less-than-special venues remain. A college friend and I lived on Decatur in 1994, so yes, it's all in the past...but at least I'm dating somebody worthwhile. Hee.
#46 2007-11-02 20:07:57
orangeplus wrote:
Ok, as a born and raised Orleanian of coon-ass extraction, I have to say, sure, it's fun , it's cheap and there's a good chance one quarter of us would be murdered.
Awesome, it sounds like you are the perfect tour guide.
I did the swamp airboat once and highly recommend it: http://www.airboatadventures.com/ - great opportunity to power through your hangover with adrenalin, dispose of any casualties, play with gators, shoot nutria, etc. The little boats are key, they can scoot across land!
#47 2007-11-02 20:20:37
pALEPHx wrote:
orangeplus wrote:
You're dating yourself, Kaldi's shut down 10 years ago...
Wah. That's sad. I suppose the friggin' Shoney's on Jackson Square is still there, along with at least one of the Hog's Breaths and gawdzknow what other less-than-special venues remain. A college friend and I lived on Decatur in 1994, so yes, it's all in the past...but at least I'm dating somebody worthwhile. Hee.
Now that's funny, I worked at Beckham's Bookshop on Decatur, lived up on Rampart in 94.
#48 2007-11-02 20:37:49
Couple of stops on my last New Orleans trip, worthy of a visit from the Cruel horde:
The Dungeon - http://www.originaldungeon.com/ - sorry, didn't see any freaks in puffy rubber suits
Dragons Den Social Club - walk down the narrow passageway, through the courtyard, up the graffiti-sprayed stairs, through the unmarked door
http://nolaguide.typepad.com/the_new_or … s-den.html
Pravda - http://nolaguide.typepad.com/the_new_or … -cafe.html
I miss the Matador, that place was fun.
I've always wanted to do the cemetery tour: http://www.experienceneworleans.com/deadcity.html
#49 2007-11-02 22:17:21
Dirckman doesn't really care where this thing is, as long as it's not in some total shithole place like Kansas City or in the Dakotas.... Dirckman has plenty of airline miles so if you're in good with him and you don't have the $$$$ ask and he might just set you up!!! I'd just like to meet some of you rotten bastards for once....
#50 2007-11-02 22:18:29
orangeplus wrote:
Ok, as a born and raised Orleanian of coon-ass extraction,