#51 2009-03-15 19:36:33

rcade wrote:

I'm gonna see it again on IMAX. Want to see four-term President Nixon again.

Saw it again last night.  It's five terms.  And Nixon's nose was more phalic than Dr. Manhattan's "quantum singularity".



#52 2009-03-16 02:48:36

ptah13 wrote:


I thought 300 basically sucked, and I doubt I'll see this before it comes to DVD, so no big deal.... but this lady ALMOST sold me on it. Almost....

I agree with the guy above. We GOTTA get her over here somehow and get her to "set us straight".

I'll even play token militant-hippy liberal for that deal... Even better, I'll claim I'm one of the "new conservatives" and explain how her people have been marginalized and are no longer near the real of being relative or mainstream in any way. Tell her that she is no longer even included in the debate on modern social interraction and should be given the same consideration society gives someone like the Grand Dragon of the KKK or something...

Can I give someone my phone # so I can be called if she comes here?!

The language in "300" was bad Conan, but the ultraviolence was GREAT. Very cathartic, better than a deep-tissue massage. I loved the slow-motion blood spurts and splatters. Orgasmic. Mmmmmm. I wanted to smoke a cigarette afterward. haha



#53 2009-03-22 04:48:41

I should have listened to Zookeeper instead of this stupid woman.  I got all powered up to see the first movie I’ve seen in the theatre since My Name is Bruce.  It was good, but not gory at all, and you barely saw the blue guy’s package (maybe its size upset her).  This woman needs to see some Japanese movies.



#54 2009-03-22 18:20:54

phoQ wrote:

I should have listened to Zookeeper instead of this stupid woman.

When will people learn...



#55 2009-03-26 21:17:02

Footage from the new Watchmen video game



#56 2009-03-27 19:03:52

[edit] Whoops, karenw beat me to it waaaaaay up in the thread...Sorry.

Last edited by George Orr (2009-03-27 19:06:01)



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