#1 2009-05-28 00:26:36

Reaching really hard...

Pitiful reporting really, sad and pointless comparisons.  So many "oh, look - almost as good as the guys".

I hate the mass media and I despise our goverment for abandoning the anti-trust position.  Fucking sellouts...

I need another beer...

a beer from another conglomerate

sad really

shoot me


Last edited by Emmeran (2009-05-28 00:27:15)



#2 2009-05-28 11:11:03

montana horse farm



#3 2009-05-28 11:47:22

Perfect - going home to pack my crap now.  Someone tell my X she is on her own from this point, to gonna do a Ted Kaczynski (sans bombs) and fall right off the face of the earth.



#5 2009-05-30 15:22:58

icangetyouatoe wrote:


Never used one... though there were conversations of a shock collar.



#6 2009-05-30 22:23:46

icangetyouatoe wrote:


Excellent photos.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#7 2009-06-01 08:25:09

I would rather walk my kid on a leash than push their lazy ass around in a stroller until they are old enough not to dart out into traffic.



#8 2009-06-01 08:31:34

GooberMcNutly wrote:

I would rather walk my kid on a leash than push their lazy ass around in a stroller until they are old enough not to dart out into traffic.

They should be old enough to not go darting anywhere around age 3; unless of course they are clinically retarded or really do hate you that much.



#9 2009-06-01 18:25:31

I've all-ways been an advocate for "leash laws" for children.  Leashing dogs, on the other hand, seems rather cruel to me (You know, un-less the dog happens to be "in-to" that sort of thing).



#10 2009-06-02 09:22:51

Emmeran wrote:

GooberMcNutly wrote:

I would rather walk my kid on a leash than push their lazy ass around in a stroller until they are old enough not to dart out into traffic.

They should be old enough to not go darting anywhere around age 3; unless of course they are clinically retarded or really do hate you that much.

Are you kidding me? Have you ever had a 3 year old? Those little shits can be a block away in the time it takes you to say "stop". I don't live in a big city or near a busy road and I don't visit malls, so I have never used one, but I guess some people have to live in cities.

But don't worry, if you lost a couple, I am sure you can always make more.



#11 2009-06-02 10:58:25

Notice that in 98% of those photos that the leash is pulled tight in an escape attempt.
As the owner of a recent 3 year old I'm all for it.



#12 2009-06-02 11:10:01

My well intentioned mother gave me a leash for my older boy. I couldn't bring myself to use it, and he was pretty mellow anyhow.

That doesn't mean it's wrong - some of those pics are cute.

Chasing toddlers is an important part of how mommies get their figure back.



#13 2009-06-02 11:59:30

Which is why you look great, Sofs, and the fucks in the pictures look so gross-they just yank on the leash. Whatever happened to the hand, or the voice? The ride on the shoulders?

Plus, you KNOW these people who are unable to control their kids in public without special apparati are bringing these kids into restaurants, and looking all helpless and confused when their little monsters destroy the place, crumbling muffins into dust and flinging themselves into neighboring booths like kamikaze pilots, only their bodies are the planes.



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